Christmas is fast approaching, and I'm actually anticipating making our way to the Arkansas Delta. I'm excited about seeing our family and friends. I'm excited about seeing my parents' newly-renovated house. I'm excited to spend the holiday with people I love.
The older I get, the more I like Christmas. I love the music, the lights, shopping!, and spending time with the ones I love. I loved Christmastime as a child, but each year gives me new reasons to appreciate what I have and be thankful for the Reason we celebrate.
It's crazy to think about all the things we've done and places we've seen this past year. I've made some really wonderful friends and had some great experiences. I've also dealt with challenges that, at the time seemed to break me, but in retrospect, actually made me stronger and better. God has a very intricate plan for all of us, and it's incredible to look back and really see how His hand touched each moment. Even during the most difficult times when it seemed that God was nowhere to be found, I can see now that He was the the calm breaths in between the panic; He was the brief glimpses of the big picture when my focus was on the little disappointments.
I'm learning to take things as they are handed to me. During my short time dealing with the military, I've realized that having that attitude is the only way to maintain sanity. So, I've decided that carrying the "it is what it is" outlook over from military life to everyday living can't be a bad idea. Things are what they are. People are lousy, undependable, pathetic, and disappointing, but people are also helpful, forgiving, caring, and encouraging. Life sucks sometimes. But life is also an enormous gift that I'm pretty certain our Creator wants us to appreciate and cherish. I try to look at each new day as simply that: a new day with new situations and adventures and challenges. I hope I can face every day optimistically because God knows I've had years and years worth of bad attitude.
This year, I'm grateful for Christmas and what it really means. I'm grateful for my family and my friends, new and old. Being so far away from my parents and siblings and nieces and nephew really makes me appreciate them.
I'm sure y'all have all dealt with this at some point in the past few weeks, but it is so discouraging to come upon a Scrooge. It really bothers me when people get so furious when they can't find a parking spot or when they can't get their buggy through the isle or when someone makes a mistake in the turning lane (sorry 'bout that!). Here's the thing: does it really matter that you may have to walk a few extra feet because you couldn't snag the front row parking space? No. It's Christmas time and Christ came to this earth to show love and joy. I think we should all remember that, instead of showing anger and aggression over unimportant things. I'm preachin' to the choir here because I'm surely not perfectly patient when it comes to driving in traffic or shopping. I hope I can have an attitude of patience and joy, though, even when some fool tries to cut me off. I hope I can just smile and wave at the fool and pray that he doesn't smash some innocent pedestrian. ;)
Anyway, hopefully I will find the time to update the blog before Christmas, but if not, Merry Christmas to everyone! Here's one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs to put you in the mood:)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
"tonight we are young"
I've been feeling super nostalgic today. Well, for a couple weeks, I suppose. I think it's this time of year that makes me reflect and remember the conglomeration of days that all blend together now to make up my past and build up to my present. I'm listening to fun., one of the best bands in the world, and praying that they never become mainstream. Don't tell me you don't do that. I feel like it's the story of my life to love an "underground" band so much, only to discover all these hipster kids jammin' out to them the wrong way. Haha. Ok, I'm sounding like a hipster kid myself now....But for real. So many of "my bands" lose their touch when they become popularized. Sure, I want what's best for my bands. I want them to make the money honey and be successful. And now I sound like a mother of four.
Anyway, I facebooked about this dear, sweet band already today, so maybe I'm being redundant, but there is one particular band--actually two, to be correct--that seem to write all their songs directly to my soul. Do you have a band like that? It's honestly become a little creepy how so many of their lyrics are about things and places and people and time that are mine.
I'm talking about the band fun., fronted by Nate Ruess, formerly of The Format. I started really liking Nate's music in 2008 when I worked at the Gap. Since then, it's been a musical love affair. Laugh all you want, but I know you have "your band," and it better the heck not be Hinder or Nickelback. You are better than that. Sure, I have other bands and musicians that sing to me, and I can't even call fun. or The Format my favorite bands because I have too many that I love for different reasons. fun. is just "my band." That's all there is to it.
God blessed me with a husband who knows good music. Thank you for that, God. I always knew I would marry someone with good musical taste because if I ended up with someone who loved Nickelback, I know I would be locked away with domestic abuse charges. I'm even more blessed because Derick has musical ability of his own. (If you haven't heard him sing, you're missing out). So the Lord was both gracious to me by giving me Derick, and gracious to some other Nickelback-loving poor soul by sparing his life. God is good.
Anyway, yes, Derick has an ear for good music, and we normally agree on bands. He doesn't quite dig the slow, lovey, folky music that sountracks teen dramas. I like those bands: Joshua Radin (who also tends to sing directly to me), Eric Hutchinson, Ron Pope, etc. He likes it, but he'd rather hear something less, well, romantic. I'm not into screaming music or bands like mewithoutyou. I just don't feel it, but Derick likes it. He also likes country music a lot more than I do, although I can take it in small doses.
When it comes to my band, fun., Derick is apathetic. He listens to them to please me. He likes some of their songs, and knows the majority of the words because of me. But if the C.D. is in the car, you can guarantee he will change it to NPR. This is how I know this band is mine. Sounds weird, I know. You'd think for me to label a band "mine," Derick would have to think more highly of them. But that would make it "our band," and "our band" (well, "our musician") is Ben Kweller. Ben Kweller sings to us collectively. Nate Ruess just sings to me. Derick doesn't have a decorative past as mine. He doesn't really relate to losing your way time after time after time after time. He's always been good at learning the first time. I admire that about him, and I hope am more like that. I'm just estimating from the outside in, but I think fun.'s lyrics aren't as potent to him as they are to me. And that's fine. So, some advice for the marrieds or soon-to-be marrieds: Don't lose your individuality. Rather, just invent a new part of you that intertwines with someone else. You'll find out that that part of you was there all along, just waiting to find it's mate.
Enough about lovey dovey stuff. You know how people post music videos on Facebook all the time, and you don't bother listening to it? I do that a lot. Maybe I'm the only one that skips music video posts. That's probably because it's usually Dirt Road Anthem or some rap song I don't like. I always, always post songs that say something to me, and hey, maybe Dirt Road Anthem says something to someone, but really, let's be honest, it's about drinking and driving, which is illegal. And Kem don't break no law!
Anyway, I will make an effort to listen to more music posts on facebook from now on. Legitimate music posts. Which, if you're still following means, no Hinder, no Nickelback, and what?? That's right, no Dirt Road Anthems.
So, this is supposed to be a military wife blog. Let's see if I can put my costly education to use and tie it all together and keep with the running theme. How 'bouts?!
Sometimes, when our husbands work all day and we don't have full-time jobs or kids to tend to, we are left with a lot of extra time on our hands to listen to songs that puncture our hearts with their honesty and relevance. I've done that today. I went to the gym, watched an episode of Vampire Diaries, ate some leftover tacos, and started listening to my band, which in turn, made me think about myself and those I love and all the things that being Kem encompasses, good and bad. My house is relatively clean and I have to go to work and make actual money at 3, so I'm permitted some me time, right? Right.
Although Nate Ruess sings our songs (or whoever sings that awful Dirt Road song), we are the true artists. We are the musicians of our own song. We are writing new lyrics every day and turning them into the bridge, adding it to the verses of our past. My song is a crazy wild compilation of sad and happy and lonely and fulfilled and excited and anxious and selfish and thankful. I hope one day, when it's finished, that it's worth replaying over and over.
This is the cast of Glee performing a fun. song, "Tonight We are Young."
You should look up some fun. songs. Just for fun. Ha!
Anyway, I facebooked about this dear, sweet band already today, so maybe I'm being redundant, but there is one particular band--actually two, to be correct--that seem to write all their songs directly to my soul. Do you have a band like that? It's honestly become a little creepy how so many of their lyrics are about things and places and people and time that are mine.
I'm talking about the band fun., fronted by Nate Ruess, formerly of The Format. I started really liking Nate's music in 2008 when I worked at the Gap. Since then, it's been a musical love affair. Laugh all you want, but I know you have "your band," and it better the heck not be Hinder or Nickelback. You are better than that. Sure, I have other bands and musicians that sing to me, and I can't even call fun. or The Format my favorite bands because I have too many that I love for different reasons. fun. is just "my band." That's all there is to it.
God blessed me with a husband who knows good music. Thank you for that, God. I always knew I would marry someone with good musical taste because if I ended up with someone who loved Nickelback, I know I would be locked away with domestic abuse charges. I'm even more blessed because Derick has musical ability of his own. (If you haven't heard him sing, you're missing out). So the Lord was both gracious to me by giving me Derick, and gracious to some other Nickelback-loving poor soul by sparing his life. God is good.
Anyway, yes, Derick has an ear for good music, and we normally agree on bands. He doesn't quite dig the slow, lovey, folky music that sountracks teen dramas. I like those bands: Joshua Radin (who also tends to sing directly to me), Eric Hutchinson, Ron Pope, etc. He likes it, but he'd rather hear something less, well, romantic. I'm not into screaming music or bands like mewithoutyou. I just don't feel it, but Derick likes it. He also likes country music a lot more than I do, although I can take it in small doses.
When it comes to my band, fun., Derick is apathetic. He listens to them to please me. He likes some of their songs, and knows the majority of the words because of me. But if the C.D. is in the car, you can guarantee he will change it to NPR. This is how I know this band is mine. Sounds weird, I know. You'd think for me to label a band "mine," Derick would have to think more highly of them. But that would make it "our band," and "our band" (well, "our musician") is Ben Kweller. Ben Kweller sings to us collectively. Nate Ruess just sings to me. Derick doesn't have a decorative past as mine. He doesn't really relate to losing your way time after time after time after time. He's always been good at learning the first time. I admire that about him, and I hope am more like that. I'm just estimating from the outside in, but I think fun.'s lyrics aren't as potent to him as they are to me. And that's fine. So, some advice for the marrieds or soon-to-be marrieds: Don't lose your individuality. Rather, just invent a new part of you that intertwines with someone else. You'll find out that that part of you was there all along, just waiting to find it's mate.
Enough about lovey dovey stuff. You know how people post music videos on Facebook all the time, and you don't bother listening to it? I do that a lot. Maybe I'm the only one that skips music video posts. That's probably because it's usually Dirt Road Anthem or some rap song I don't like. I always, always post songs that say something to me, and hey, maybe Dirt Road Anthem says something to someone, but really, let's be honest, it's about drinking and driving, which is illegal. And Kem don't break no law!
Anyway, I will make an effort to listen to more music posts on facebook from now on. Legitimate music posts. Which, if you're still following means, no Hinder, no Nickelback, and what?? That's right, no Dirt Road Anthems.
So, this is supposed to be a military wife blog. Let's see if I can put my costly education to use and tie it all together and keep with the running theme. How 'bouts?!
Sometimes, when our husbands work all day and we don't have full-time jobs or kids to tend to, we are left with a lot of extra time on our hands to listen to songs that puncture our hearts with their honesty and relevance. I've done that today. I went to the gym, watched an episode of Vampire Diaries, ate some leftover tacos, and started listening to my band, which in turn, made me think about myself and those I love and all the things that being Kem encompasses, good and bad. My house is relatively clean and I have to go to work and make actual money at 3, so I'm permitted some me time, right? Right.
Although Nate Ruess sings our songs (or whoever sings that awful Dirt Road song), we are the true artists. We are the musicians of our own song. We are writing new lyrics every day and turning them into the bridge, adding it to the verses of our past. My song is a crazy wild compilation of sad and happy and lonely and fulfilled and excited and anxious and selfish and thankful. I hope one day, when it's finished, that it's worth replaying over and over.
This is the cast of Glee performing a fun. song, "Tonight We are Young."
You should look up some fun. songs. Just for fun. Ha!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Meet Virginia/Edward Cullen/Pinterest Attack
It sure has been a long time since I've updated this blog. I'm really awful at it, and I'm sorry. Anyway, happy fall! I missed updating during Thanksgiving, but we had a wonderful time! We had a big group of friends over and ate like kings! I was so proud of us because our first attempt at cooking a turkey was a success! We all had a great time, and I was super thankful to spend the holiday with new friends!
How crazy is it that Christmas is almost here? Gosh, this time last year, I was impatiently waiting to be reunited with my husband in Quantico, Virginia. I was doing everything all by myself: paying bills, making arrangements for the move, managing the finances. Sure that seems easy, but at the time, it was quite a chore! I was so nervous that something would happen to keep Derick from graduating OCS (not that I didn't have faith in his abilities, because he can do anything! You just never know what could happen) that I was reluctant to make any big decision. So many what-ifs were attacking me that I was in constant prayer-mode. Isn't it funny how we are able to call on God so easily when things get a little hectic? The challenge is to maintain that same faith in Him at all moments of our lives. He wants to help us through the struggles and rejoice with us through the successes. I'm constantly learning more and more things about God and who He wants me to be. I think He laughs at me a lot.
So, I made fun of my Arkansas friends yesterday because they were in a blizzard while it was close to seventy degrees here. Boy, did I eat my words because now it's rainy and chilly here! It's not freezing-chilly, just cold enough to need a jacket, which is too cold for me! This cold weather reminds me fondly of Virginia. Actually, I have thought of that state often here lately. Everyone who knows me knows that I turn into the devil himself during cold weather, and the majority of our time in VA, it was super cold (to me anyway). But I loved it there so much, cold weather and all. Sure, I griped about it and begged for the warmth of summer, but there was just something truly special about our lives in Stafford. Maybe it's because it was the first time that we were actually on our own, doing what we worked so hard to do (being a military wife is a job itself, so don't try to argue that one). Maybe I loved Virginia so much because I didn't have a true-to-life job besides hanging out with my very cool, drama-free friends all day. Maybe I miss the fact that I could turn on my Scentsy and my entire place would smell like Heaven because our apartment was so tiny. Maybe I just loved it because it is what it is: filled with things to do and places to go. Whatever the reasons, and although I love coastal living and I love Camp Lejeune, a little part of my heart will forever be in that tiny apartment in Virginia. With the exception that my family is in Arkansas, I miss living in Virginia more than living in Arkansas. Sorry NEA, you just never were for me.
Anyway, we are going to go to Arkansas for Christmas. We don't know how long we will stay. It really depends on how much leave Derick can take. It will be so nice to visit with family and eat at Blue Coast Burrito. I have missed both of those very much!
Oh! I finished the Twilight books just in time to go see Breaking Dawn in theaters. Kelsey and I went to the midnight premiere. It was so good! The filming itself was so perfect and much better than the prior movies. I love the music and the lighting effects and Edward. I love Edward so much. It's very awful and strange. He is just something else! I miss the books and I'm ticked at Stephenie Meyer for not writing more. You people can mock and carry on all you want, but I have never loved a character in a book with the exception of Jesus Christ and Junie B. Jones. And don't you dare turn my words around and say that I love Edward as much as I love Jesus. Come on. Get with the program. Stephenie Meyer is rich, and it's not because she wrote horrible books. Some people just don't like them, and that is perfectly fine.
Nothing super exciting is happening around here. Derick still loves his job as far as I can tell. I go to the gym every morning and come home with all intentions of cleaning the house, but I find something better to do like PINTEREST. Have you been on that site?? I really need to stop. Everyone in my family is getting pinterest-inspired Christmas gifts. Even my brother! Not really...unless I find a make-your-own weapon tutorial or some sort of candle that smells like the deer woods.
Well, the washer stopped a long time ago, and I've just been rambling on and on. I should do some work! Y'all have a fabulous day! :)
How crazy is it that Christmas is almost here? Gosh, this time last year, I was impatiently waiting to be reunited with my husband in Quantico, Virginia. I was doing everything all by myself: paying bills, making arrangements for the move, managing the finances. Sure that seems easy, but at the time, it was quite a chore! I was so nervous that something would happen to keep Derick from graduating OCS (not that I didn't have faith in his abilities, because he can do anything! You just never know what could happen) that I was reluctant to make any big decision. So many what-ifs were attacking me that I was in constant prayer-mode. Isn't it funny how we are able to call on God so easily when things get a little hectic? The challenge is to maintain that same faith in Him at all moments of our lives. He wants to help us through the struggles and rejoice with us through the successes. I'm constantly learning more and more things about God and who He wants me to be. I think He laughs at me a lot.
So, I made fun of my Arkansas friends yesterday because they were in a blizzard while it was close to seventy degrees here. Boy, did I eat my words because now it's rainy and chilly here! It's not freezing-chilly, just cold enough to need a jacket, which is too cold for me! This cold weather reminds me fondly of Virginia. Actually, I have thought of that state often here lately. Everyone who knows me knows that I turn into the devil himself during cold weather, and the majority of our time in VA, it was super cold (to me anyway). But I loved it there so much, cold weather and all. Sure, I griped about it and begged for the warmth of summer, but there was just something truly special about our lives in Stafford. Maybe it's because it was the first time that we were actually on our own, doing what we worked so hard to do (being a military wife is a job itself, so don't try to argue that one). Maybe I loved Virginia so much because I didn't have a true-to-life job besides hanging out with my very cool, drama-free friends all day. Maybe I miss the fact that I could turn on my Scentsy and my entire place would smell like Heaven because our apartment was so tiny. Maybe I just loved it because it is what it is: filled with things to do and places to go. Whatever the reasons, and although I love coastal living and I love Camp Lejeune, a little part of my heart will forever be in that tiny apartment in Virginia. With the exception that my family is in Arkansas, I miss living in Virginia more than living in Arkansas. Sorry NEA, you just never were for me.
Anyway, we are going to go to Arkansas for Christmas. We don't know how long we will stay. It really depends on how much leave Derick can take. It will be so nice to visit with family and eat at Blue Coast Burrito. I have missed both of those very much!
Oh! I finished the Twilight books just in time to go see Breaking Dawn in theaters. Kelsey and I went to the midnight premiere. It was so good! The filming itself was so perfect and much better than the prior movies. I love the music and the lighting effects and Edward. I love Edward so much. It's very awful and strange. He is just something else! I miss the books and I'm ticked at Stephenie Meyer for not writing more. You people can mock and carry on all you want, but I have never loved a character in a book with the exception of Jesus Christ and Junie B. Jones. And don't you dare turn my words around and say that I love Edward as much as I love Jesus. Come on. Get with the program. Stephenie Meyer is rich, and it's not because she wrote horrible books. Some people just don't like them, and that is perfectly fine.
Nothing super exciting is happening around here. Derick still loves his job as far as I can tell. I go to the gym every morning and come home with all intentions of cleaning the house, but I find something better to do like PINTEREST. Have you been on that site?? I really need to stop. Everyone in my family is getting pinterest-inspired Christmas gifts. Even my brother! Not really...unless I find a make-your-own weapon tutorial or some sort of candle that smells like the deer woods.
Well, the washer stopped a long time ago, and I've just been rambling on and on. I should do some work! Y'all have a fabulous day! :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Trick or Treat
Happy Halloween!!
(not my jack o lantern, just so you know.)
Well, the weather is finally turning non-tropical in coastal Carolina. I'm in my sweats because my house is like an igloo. It actually warmed up a little after I baked a cake and left the oven door open for a little while after it finished. Still in my sweats, though.
I don't have anything exciting to blog about, but I've been doing laundry all day, so I needed a break from mating socks.
Derick has been going to his unit since last week, and I think he really likes it! I think he's just thankful to put some distance between himself and PowerPoint for a while. He had to get a flu shot last week, and afterwards, he started running a fever and feeling puny. That always happens to him. During his first time at OCS, they gave him a flu shot and he came back home to me, not only with a torn ACL, but sicker than I'd ever seen him. Flu shots aren't really his cup of tea. He feels a lot better today though.
This Saturday is our very first Marine Corps Birthday Ball. I'm excited! Ours is in Myrtle Beach, and we've never been there, so that will be fun. I am wearing a very pretty dress that I wore in my friend's wedding. I think it will go just nicely with DR's dress blues.
I started my tutoring job last week, and it was fun. The kids were very sweet. One girl has a dog named Paris as well. How 'bout dat?!
Yesterday, I went to church alone because Derick was sick. (I met the Snows there). Afterwards, I went to the Commissary. It was a crazy mad house. There was seriously a man laying down on the cereal isle as he compared two boxes of cereal. His stupid buggy was at his feet, so I couldn't get by. I was getting a little nutty in there, though I tried to maintain my calm. I finally made it to the checkout, where my sweet little bagger reminded me so much of Jacob Black (the werewolf), so he received an extra dolla from me. He was very nice, and I was grateful that someone else in that store had their brains a' workin.
Ok, so guess what? I JUST had my first Trick-or-Treaters!! Two witches and a Rainbow Bright. It was so exciting!! I love giving out candy! It's starting to sprinkle a little bit. I hope that doesn't keep the treaters away. It's so much fun! So, on that note, I'm going to go put Paris in her costume. Hope I didn't bore you to the point that you want to lay down in the cereal isle.
Well, the weather is finally turning non-tropical in coastal Carolina. I'm in my sweats because my house is like an igloo. It actually warmed up a little after I baked a cake and left the oven door open for a little while after it finished. Still in my sweats, though.
I don't have anything exciting to blog about, but I've been doing laundry all day, so I needed a break from mating socks.
Derick has been going to his unit since last week, and I think he really likes it! I think he's just thankful to put some distance between himself and PowerPoint for a while. He had to get a flu shot last week, and afterwards, he started running a fever and feeling puny. That always happens to him. During his first time at OCS, they gave him a flu shot and he came back home to me, not only with a torn ACL, but sicker than I'd ever seen him. Flu shots aren't really his cup of tea. He feels a lot better today though.
This Saturday is our very first Marine Corps Birthday Ball. I'm excited! Ours is in Myrtle Beach, and we've never been there, so that will be fun. I am wearing a very pretty dress that I wore in my friend's wedding. I think it will go just nicely with DR's dress blues.
I started my tutoring job last week, and it was fun. The kids were very sweet. One girl has a dog named Paris as well. How 'bout dat?!
Yesterday, I went to church alone because Derick was sick. (I met the Snows there). Afterwards, I went to the Commissary. It was a crazy mad house. There was seriously a man laying down on the cereal isle as he compared two boxes of cereal. His stupid buggy was at his feet, so I couldn't get by. I was getting a little nutty in there, though I tried to maintain my calm. I finally made it to the checkout, where my sweet little bagger reminded me so much of Jacob Black (the werewolf), so he received an extra dolla from me. He was very nice, and I was grateful that someone else in that store had their brains a' workin.
Ok, so guess what? I JUST had my first Trick-or-Treaters!! Two witches and a Rainbow Bright. It was so exciting!! I love giving out candy! It's starting to sprinkle a little bit. I hope that doesn't keep the treaters away. It's so much fun! So, on that note, I'm going to go put Paris in her costume. Hope I didn't bore you to the point that you want to lay down in the cereal isle.
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