Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Meet Virginia/Edward Cullen/Pinterest Attack

It sure has been a long time since I've updated this blog. I'm really awful at it, and I'm sorry. Anyway, happy fall! I missed updating during Thanksgiving, but we had a wonderful time! We had a big group of friends over and ate like kings! I was so proud of us because our first attempt at cooking a turkey was a success! We all had a great time, and I was super thankful to spend the holiday with new friends!
How crazy is it that Christmas is almost here? Gosh, this time last year, I was impatiently waiting to be reunited with my husband in Quantico, Virginia. I was doing everything all by myself: paying bills, making arrangements for the move, managing the finances. Sure that seems easy, but at the time, it was quite a chore! I was so nervous that something would happen to keep Derick from graduating OCS (not that I didn't have faith in his abilities, because he can do anything! You just never know what could happen) that I was reluctant to make any big decision. So many what-ifs were attacking me that I was in constant prayer-mode. Isn't it funny how we are able to call on God so easily when things get a little hectic? The challenge is to maintain that same faith in Him at all moments of our lives. He wants to help us through the struggles and rejoice with us through the successes. I'm constantly learning more and more things about God and who He wants me to be. I think He laughs at me a lot.
So, I made fun of my Arkansas friends yesterday because they were in a blizzard while it was close to seventy degrees here. Boy, did I eat my words because now it's rainy and chilly here! It's not freezing-chilly, just cold enough to need a jacket, which is too cold for me! This cold weather reminds me fondly of Virginia. Actually, I have thought of that state often here lately. Everyone who knows me knows that I turn into the devil himself during cold weather, and the majority of our time in VA, it was super cold (to me anyway). But I loved it there so much, cold weather and all. Sure, I griped about it and begged for the warmth of summer, but there was just something truly special about our lives in Stafford. Maybe it's because it was the first time that we were actually on our own, doing what we worked so hard to do (being a military wife is a job itself, so don't try to argue that one). Maybe I loved Virginia so much because I didn't have a true-to-life job besides hanging out with my very cool, drama-free friends all day. Maybe I miss the fact that I could turn on my Scentsy and my entire place would smell like Heaven because our apartment was so tiny. Maybe I just loved it because it is what it is: filled with things to do and places to go. Whatever the reasons, and although I love coastal living and I love Camp Lejeune, a little part of my heart will forever be in that tiny apartment in Virginia. With the exception that my family is in Arkansas, I miss living in Virginia more than living in Arkansas. Sorry NEA, you just never were for me.
Anyway, we are going to go to Arkansas for Christmas. We don't know how long we will stay. It really depends on how much leave Derick can take. It will be so nice to visit with family and eat at Blue Coast Burrito. I have missed both of those very much!
Oh! I finished the Twilight books just in time to go see Breaking Dawn in theaters. Kelsey and I went to the midnight premiere. It was so good! The filming itself was so perfect and much better than the prior movies. I love the music and the lighting effects and Edward. I love Edward so much. It's very awful and strange. He is just something else! I miss the books and I'm ticked at Stephenie Meyer for not writing more. You people can mock and carry on all you want, but I have never loved a character in a book with the exception of Jesus Christ and Junie B. Jones. And don't you dare turn my words around and say that I love Edward as much as I love Jesus. Come on. Get with the program. Stephenie Meyer is rich, and it's not because she wrote horrible books. Some people just don't like them, and that is perfectly fine.
Nothing super exciting is happening around here. Derick still loves his job as far as I can tell. I go to the gym every morning and come home with all intentions of cleaning the house, but I find something better to do like PINTEREST. Have you been on that site?? I really need to stop. Everyone in my family is getting pinterest-inspired Christmas gifts. Even my brother! Not really...unless I find a make-your-own weapon tutorial or some sort of candle that smells like the deer woods.
Well, the washer stopped a long time ago, and I've just been rambling on and on. I should do some work! Y'all have a fabulous day! :)

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