Wednesday, April 10, 2013

sorry bout tha space bar

Believe it or not, I'm blogging, and of course I sliced my finger today, making typing all the more difficult. Gollygee, February 4th was the last time I actually took the time to sit down and fill everyone in on my ever-eventful life happenings.I  will use Reeve and his constant  need for attention (really, son? you need me to care for you 24/7??) (j/k)  (don't report me to CPS) as an  excuse for my bloggerland hiatus.Also, we got anew TV for the living room earlier this year and moved our laptop/TV set up to the bedroom, requiring a few extra button-pushes if I wanna blog. Ain't nobody got time fa dat. Ok, America, time to stop  with that phrase. As I sit on our bed to type this, I am realizing how elderly I truly am. I can hardly read what I'm typing, so forgive me if you see a bunch of mistakes. They aren't due to laziness because we all know  I'm the world's most active person ever, and they  aren't due to stupidity because I'm crazy smart. I'm just blind. And I'm trying to keep a one-week-from-crawling baby away from the keyboard and on the bed at  the same time. Don't  quote me on the one week from crawling thing. It could be several, but dang, just last week, I turned my back for literally two seconds and that dude was halfway across  the room. No more laying him in the floor on his back with potentially  harmful objects out of reach. He can and will make his way to the objects. (I don't leave knives laying around the house, but ya know.)
Since we are on the subject of Reeve, I'll let you  know now that he is the world's coolest, funniest, strangest baby ever. Everyone has the best baby, and I am no exception. He has  the most pleasant demeanor. I'm so jealous of his calm nature and happiness. I'm convinced God sent him to me to  teach me about my personality and attitude. He gave Reeve to us for so many reasons, and I discover new ones every day.
It's so strange to look back to last year. A year ago this weekend,  Derick and I were at the Azalea Festival in Wilmington, and I had to tote my paper-towel covered gatorade bottle around because of my--what I would call "severe"--case of  ptyalism. If you're a new  reader, I encourage you to look back at  my oh-so-exciting accounts of my pregnancy. If there was a symptom, you can bet  I had it, but I'm  very gracious of the opportunity to become pregnant, and I continue to  be humbled that God chose me to  mother such a great baby--who  needs me  at the moment.
Back! Reeve is so funny when he eats. He's been slapping me in the face and grabbing my lip with his free hand, and I think  it might mean that he wants me to rub his  hair. I do that at night when I'm when he's falling  asleep and eating, and I always say, "you're one of the good guys." I've done that since  he was a teeny ol thang. Maybe that  relaxes  him  because when I rub his head, he stops grabbing  my face.Babies and  the way they communicate  are really funny. Just now  while  he was eating, I handed him one  of  Parisann's stuffed  animals  and he started giggling. So cute.
[Forgive me for the weird  spacing issues.  The space bar on  this  keyboard  is out of  control.]

So, we have a pretty eventful year coming up as we face our first deployment. I can't  deny my gratitude for the blessing of having Derick  here  this whole time. He was actually supposed to have deployed a couple weeks  before Reeve was  born, and  if he had, he would still be  gone.Tough to imagine going all this time without  introducing Reeve to his daddy, but  I have some crazy  strong friends who have dealt/are dealing  with  that. I'm so encouraged by the strength of military  wives. There's something to be said about women who can just roll with the dang punches while their husbands are off fighting in a war. Puts a lot of stuff into perspective, really. I mean, how spoiled  am I that my husband gets to  come home (almost) every night and help me with our son? I pray for the same resilience that my friends have. Being away from  the one you love is tough, whether it's a few hours or a few  months.  That stinks. But I love  the encouragement I get from my friends who hold it down,  and I love it when they are reunited with their Marines (or respective servicemember). My friend, Beth, just welcomed her Marine home  this week, and I was  just so happy for that little family. 

Well, it's getting late around here, and I still have one of the good guys who probably needs a diaper change. BuenosNoche

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