Wednesday, April 4, 2012

OBVIOUSLY pregnant.

I'm just going to warn you that this post will probably be full of all sorts of random stuff. That may not be too different than usual, but I just wanted to give you a heads up and assure you that I'm not doing crack over here. I've realized that I sure do have a lot of references to drugs, particularly crack. I guess it's from watching back-to-backs of Dog the Bounty Hunter. No ice in paradise!

I pretty much rolled out of bed an hour ago. Paris and I went to the beach with friends yesterday, and despite my thick application of spf50, I came away with a non-threatening, but obvious sunburn. Ok, so if I weren't pregnant, this "sunburn" would be nothing. I normally sit in the sun for days with no sort of protection and live through a couple days worth of toasty lobster skin. Right now, I still look quite pale. However, the older I get, the more concerned with I skin I become. I've never been one to wear a lotion with spf. I have only recently developed the habit of moisturizing (focusing mainly on my stretch mark-prone parts). Now I'm slowly realizing that my youthful skin is not going to remain such all my life, so I'm trying to take baby steps in developing a regimen that is both practical for my laziness and efficient for my needs. I need to reread my friend's blog, Heather has a nice post about skincare, and I should have bookmarked the darn thing and just broke down and bought everything on her list. I still might do that.

Anyway, I came home yesterday feeling like I'd ran a marathon. I did, in fact, jog a LITTLE bit with Paris to get her to calm down and stop barking at all the dogs on the pet beach. I think that teeny bit of exercise, combined with a few hours in the sun really took it out of me. When I got home, I hopped in the shower, and when I was tired of standing, I turned the water to faucet and just sat in the bath until it was cold. I slept a few hours last night, but as soon as Derick's alarm went off, I was wide awake and not feeling well--a good excuse to just lay in bed until 10:30, right?

So, now I'm trying to make myself productive by doing laundry. I popped supper into the crock pot, and I'm just praying for the best with it. (Chicken and dumplins are much easier when you use canned biscuits. I'm hoping for a miracle when I make my own dough later.) Anyway, speaking of laundry, I bought my favorite detergent at the commissary this weekend, and I was so excited to use it. It's Tide plus Febreeze Sport. I first used it in Quantico, and it was about the only thing that rid Derick's TBS camis of the nastiness of week-long FEXs. I usually just saved it for Derick's camis, but once I accidentally used it on a load of our combined casual clothes, and it smelled so nice! The trouble is that the bottle is quite small and it costs about $8 at the commissary, which I find a little high for anything these days. The big jug (I just googled) goes for about $17. To me, it's worth it for the scent and knowing that it's doing its job. However, I couldn't help but wish that I could just make my own detergent. Ah!! Before you point me to a Pinterest pin, let me just say that most of those "make your own detergents" are powder, which is fine for some people, but I have truly grown to hate using powder detergent. We don't have a brand new fancy washer, mind you, so maybe that's the issue, but I never feel like the powder gets my clothes as clean as I'd like. Also, if you aren't careful, you can easily end up with white splotches from where, I'm guessing, the powder didn't fully dissolve and just kind of turned into a coagulated mess. It could very well be different with homemade powder, but I'm pretty partial to liquid. So, I also googled "make your own liquid detergent," and this is the first seemingly legitimate recipe I came across. It's from TLC Home, so I'm banking on it. I may try it if I ever feel homemakey again.

Liquid Detergent

1 quart water (boiling) 2 cups bar soap (grated) 2 cups borax 2 cups washing soda

1. Add finely grated bar soap to the boiling water and stir until soap is melted. You can keep on low heat until soap is melted.

2. Pour the soap water into a large, clean pail and add the borax and washing soda. Stir well until all is dissolved.

3. Add 2 gallons of water, stir until well mixed.

4. Cover pail and use 1/4 cup for each load of laundry. Once it's cool, add 5 - 7 drops of your favorite essential oil per gallon. Stir the soap each time you use it (it will gel).

I like that you can customize your detergent by adding your favorite essential oil. Oh, and if I'm dreaming, maybe Scentsy could start producing essential oils, and all my clothes could smell like my favorite bar:

I told you this post would be a little crammed with all sorts of topics. I've talked about sickness and sunburn and laundry detergents and Scentsy. Now, I want to just mention something that is so funny to me. Do you ever get on the Facebook page of your local news and read the comments people post regarding the news stories? Oh my, you need to. If I'm bored or feeling down, I just FB search "Region 8 News" and find a good one--one that has several comments, like 10 or more. (You caught me. Region 8 is not my local area, but sometimes I get lucky and know the commenters first-hand! Even better!) The comments can be really sad or serious, of course, but sometimes I come across comments that either blow my mind completely or make me laugh hysterically. I've concluded that some people really do not use the tiniest bit of their brain when they post things on Facebook. Not only on the news sites, but just all over Facebook, you will see ridiculous posts, and I can't help but wonder if those people are serious! Many times, I've posted or commented and looked back and thought, "gosh, why did I post that?" A couple of times, I've deleted things because I didn't want to look like a fool. But just reading some of the things that others post can make me feel embarrassed for them. I guess people have seriously been warped into thinking that social media is sort of make-believe, and they can be/say whatever they want. Do those people not realize that their Facebook friends are actual people? I'm all for freedom of speech (when both sides are equally accepted), but there is not an inkling in me that wants to use that freedom to make myself look like a complete idiot. I also try my darnedest not to judge people and just let them be, and sure, the conservative side of me is sometimes easily offended. But even dropping my hoity-toity demeanor for a minute, I still can't help but sometimes drop my jaw, too. Here's a little bit of advice that I feel could go a long way for the people who air their dirty laundry all over FB: If you wouldn't say it face-to-face to your Mama, you probably shouldn't post it. If you wouldn't say it or show it to your kids, you probably shouldn't post it. If you wouldn't want your kids to post it, you probably shouldn't either. I'm not really anyone special to boss people around and tell them what and what not to post on Facebook, but I really feel like some people out there need a mentor when it comes to what they share. This paragraph probably seemed like a rant, but it's really not. I find it entertaining when people post crazy stuff, and if they aren't bothered by it, I don't guess I should be either! Keep those inappropriate comments coming for humor's sake!

Of course I can't post without mentioning my pregnancy. All in all, I have been feeling much better everyday. I am at 16 weeks and 1 day. It's weird because I feel like it's just dragging by, but 16 weeks isn't anything to laugh at. I'm definitely showing and perhaps at the stage when strangers wonder if I'm pregnant or chubby. Sometimes, I give them a hint by rubbing my belly and smiling. Tomorrow, I'm going to my first La Leche League meeting for moms who are or plan to breastfeed. My friend, Beth, recommended it to me, and I'm in desperate need to learn all I can, so I feel like it will be beneficial. I'm sure I will be the only kidless chick there, and they may wonder if I'm in the wrong place because, like I said, my appearance isn't quite "obviously pregnant" yet. Hopefully, once I tell them about myself and BEG for info, they will appreciate me being so proactive and accept me and my tiny baby, who is currently the size of an avocado. So cute.
The spitting is still going, and it's hard to remember a time when I wasn't spitting constantly. I just wish all you normal people could tell me how you do it. How do you swallow your spit without puking? My doctor told me that hopefully it will subside by 20 weeks. I can't help but feel like it's become a part of me. A really disgusting, hard-to-handle but definitely worth it, part of me that grosses unknowing onlookers completely out. Yes, I'm spitting saliva into a Gatorade bottle. I wrapped it in a napkin so you don't have to see my spit first-hand. You're welcome.

Ok, I need to get up and finish the laundry. Or just watch Switched at Birth on Netflix. Whichever.

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