Thursday, March 29, 2012

take two

So I just typed up a very informative and fancy blog, but somehow the mouse on this computer decided to stop working, which sent everything into a chaotic tailspin of trying to make windows stop popping up and crazy things opening. It was dramatic. Needless to say, my fancy post was lost in the ruckus, so you are left with this.
I would first like to say Happy Viet Nam Veterans' Day! My Daddy served as a Marine in Viet Nam, and I am so proud to be his daughter! Love you, Dad!
I am feeling much better overall. I am even going to attempt to get the ENTIRE house clean today. I've been set back by about an hour because of the computer fiasco, but I will prevail. It is so easy to cop out of cleaning when you feel sick and have no energy, but this is my job as a housewife, so it's time to stop with the pity party and get to work. I saw a Terminal Lance comic strip this week about a wife who declares she has the "toughest job in the Corps," but sits on her rump all day, all fat and pregnant and eating chips. I was getting a little to close to that stereotype for my own liking. Don't get me wrong. I definitely do things around the house. We don't live in a pig sty, so stop reporting me to hoarders. I am just a little like my mom in that I like my house to be as close to spotless as possible. I'm not like my mom in that I just cannot muster the energy and moto to deep clean it every single hour of every day. She is supermom, for sure, and I have a lot to live up to.
I've been casually mentioning to Derick how easy it was to keep our little one-bedroom apartment in Quantico clean and tidy, but now that we have a house, it's much more difficult. However, I was thinking this morning (dangerous in itself) and I realized that because we don't use the spare bedrooms they are usually clean anyway, so that leaves us with basically the same amount of rooms as our little apartment. Sure, the size of the rooms are a little bigger, but that doesn't really excuse me from doing my job. Thus, I am fully determined to get this house back in order. I really need to get more organizational things like crates and baskets, but I think I'll wait until we move on base to get that carried away.
I had a doctor's appointment this week, and I got to hear the heartbeat again, which was at 145, a little slower than last time. I guess the little angel is growing and settling into his/her new body, so his/her tiny heart doesn't need to work quite as hard. My next appointment is at the end of April, which seems so far away! Before I was pregnant, I thought it was funny that moms on Facebook were so obsessed with their next appointments. I understand completely now. We should find out if we are having a b or g at this next appointment. I've been trying to remain fair, so I call the baby a boy for one full day and a girl the next day. We really are happy either way! We just want a healthy baby (and I prefer that he or she has a wider range of food preferences than Daddy!) I have been getting vibes that the baby is a boy. I guess because the other night, I had a dream that the baby was born--a boy, with a blonde comb-over. The hair was a little too dignified for our family, but other than that he was cute! Who knows, though? We may have a little princess on the way, and she's getting ticked that I think she's a boy. Wow, three girls! Derick would have to be institutionalized.
I bought two cacti the other day, and I love them. They look so nice in the window next to my (still-living) orchid that Derick gave me.
I have been slowly accumulating baby stuff. Our new stroller set was such a good deal, it makes me want to go hunting for more stuff! Kelsey made us tons of cute little burp cloths and a blanket. They are so soft! She also made a diaper bag (yes, she MADE a diaper bag) that matches our stroller and carrier perfectly. I've been registering slowly for gender-neutral things and necessities online. My sis and niece are apparently giving us a shower when I go to Arkansas in May/June. I figured it would be nice to have some things on Amazon for people who would rather shop online. It's really fun to register for stuff! I had no idea you could have an online registry until recently. I guess that's because I always shop for people in the store, and the last time I actually registered was in 2005 and Wal-Mart was my only option!
Let's see. What else has been going on? Oh! We saw the Hunger Games at the midnight premier, and I thought it was good. Of course, the book was better as always, but I thought they did a good job casting the movie, and it was just nice to have a visual to go alongside the book. I really like Jennifer Lawrence. I think she is such a good actress!
Speaking of movies, Derick just sent me a text that said, "ANCHORMAN 2!!!" My response: "Oh no."
I really have to clean now! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am feeling you on the no cleaning thing. Man, growing a baby is tiring. I can't wait to find out what you are having. So exciting! Glad the hunger game movie was good. I am excited to see it. The books were awesome. :-)
