Thursday, June 28, 2012


Good morning! Although it's already 10 a.m. here. I woke up at 9 because the alarm company called to tell me our leasing office will be by within the next couple of hours to show our house to potential renters. Bless their hearts. When they see this house, they will either turn away and run or wonder what kind of fools leave their bed in the middle of the living room (perfectly made, I may add). Surely they will keep in mind that we are in the process of moving, but I know they will be taken aback at first. Good for a morning laugh. That's what they get for waking me up;) 
I really needed to get the heck out of bed anyway. I have a big day, kinda. I need to clean all the windows and baseboards in the bedrooms before the carpet guy comes tomorrow. I also need to run to town at some point. Derick and I went to the gym last night, and it was so nice, so hopefully I can make him go again tonight. I told him he has to force me to go. I'm pretty good at working out (kinda), but I usually do it during the morning or afternoon, so the gym is busy and I can't help but feel rushed when I use the machines. Last night I just lollygagged around, and it was fun. Plus, I had a pickle in a bag waiting for me in the car. Even better!
I've really skimped on my pregnancy exercise classes. I miss them, but I've had a pretty busy few weeks. Once we're moved and settled, I intend to get back into them. I especially miss the swim class. I did go for a casual swim yesterday with a friend, but I probably got zero exercise. That's ok. It still felt nice to just be in water. 
We've been watching old episodes of Biggest Loser on Netflix, and it always makes me want to get off my rear and do something. It is becoming more and more difficult as my body changes and grows and hurts. I told Derick that I wasn't expecting to be able to feel Reeve so often. Not the kicking, but just his little body. He squeezes up against my skin (or that's what it feels like) and I can feel an outline of something or other. It feels like his head or booty sometimes, but sometimes I think I'm feeling his entire back. Was not expecting that at all. I assumed that my body would grow in direct proportion to his. So for every whatever amount he grows, mine would grow that much, and he would always feel the same to me, with the exceptions of kicking and obvious movement. Not true. I guess babies grow at a much faster rate than their mom's bellies. Good to know.
We have less than 12 weeks to go until Reeve's due date! I also have 11 pounds to gain to stay within the doc's recommendation. It's becoming more difficult the further I get from the sickness of the 1st trimester. I love food, and it's hard to always eat healthy when it's so easy to make excuses. We are getting so ready for him to be here. Of course, we want him to hang out where he is for a while, but it gets more real and exciting every day. Derick is pretty convinced our babe is going to be rambunctious and rowdy, and I'm convinced he's going to be polite and respectful. The good thing is that he can be all of the above. I just hope I'm prepared enough to teach him how to act all the time. Who is prepared enough, though?? I know it's going to be a lot of on-the-spot craziness, but I'm excited. 
Paris is doing quite well considering our house is in shambles and her family just left her for Arkansas not long ago and her mom is getting fatter by the day. She's a very sensitive girl, and any slight environmental changes can kind of throw her for a loop. But she's eating, so that's my sign that she's ok. She is definitely sleeping a lot, and I think that's mostly because of the heat and her laziness, but she makes time to play, so all is well. I think she's a little weirded out by "Brother" and all his toys that she can't touch. It will be interesting to see how she responds to him. I've been prepping myself (and Derick for that, too). I certainly do not want her to despise him, and I don't want him to be afraid of her. She's touchy, but she's also very loving. I'm just going to be sure not to yell at her all the time and make her get away from Reeve. Mom gave me that advice, and said that if I do that, then she will end up hating him, but if we treat her well, and just teach her how to behave around a newborn, she will see him as hers. I like that. Mom has really good advice, and she lives out her advice. The best.
My military wife blog has officially become a pregnancy blog for the time being, I guess. My life seems that it is everything baby right now (and moving, and cleaning, and all that). But military wife is a 24/7 job. NOT the toughest job in the Corps, btw, but sometimes a tough one for sure. It's so nice to have Derick home after those weeks he spent in California. I love that he gets home around 5 everyday and we get to spend time together. But I also see some of my close friends dealing with deployment or training separation, and I know it's not easy. The cool thing is that they just deal with it. They don't mope around and proclaim that their lives are SOOOOO HARD. Trust me, being away from the one you love is one of the hardest things in the world to do, regardless of the time or circumstances. So for these spouses to just suck it up and carry on, there is a lot to be said. Proud of them. And proud of myself for not totally losing my marbles when Derick has been away.
Well, I've rambled on long enough. I guess I should get prepared for our house to be displayed for the world to see. Ok, not the world, but it is weird to have strangers track through your house, peeping at all your stuff, is it not? "Yes, our bed is in the middle of the living room, and if you look over there, you can probably spot a bra or two because in this house, I do not wear one. The kitchen is this way...." :)


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