Sunday, December 29, 2013


First, I'd like to talk a little bit about poop. Reeve has been peeing and pooping on the potty since he was about nine months old. Of course, he had accidents, but he was about that age when we actually started taking notice of his poop faces and rushing him to the potty. We took him to pee pee on the potty from time to time during the day, and he eventually just realized what to do. I was pretty astounded at how quickly he learned what to do, but he hasn't had a poop diaper in months, minus a few road trip accidents. It's been nice not cleaning out those poopy cloth diapers, I must admit. He wears big boy underwear during the day if we are just hanging around the house, and if we go somewhere, I try to find a potty to let him pee. He's doing a great job! I'm so proud of my big man, and I'm thankful for my mom's help. She is actually the one who convinced me that it's never too early to potty train. I'm nervous about the nighttime training because that boy can peeeeee in his sleep! He still pees in the floor, don't get me wrong. Still, he's doing really well!
Another update is Reeve's talking. He will repeat anything. Literally. He asks for "ipe sicles," ice,  rice, and "this" allllll the time. He is learning to say "amen" after the prayers before meals, and he knows most of his animal sounds. He is growing much too quickly for me. Babies become big kids really fast!
I've been thinking a lot about my New Years Resolution, and Derick and I actually discussed ours the other day. Mine is to make Jesus bigger in our home. Reeve is so impressionable and is learning so much so quickly, I just feel like it's really important for us to teach him about who Jesus is. Kinda like potty training, right? It's never too early! I hope that Reeve has been able to sense positivity and light and love in my actions. I know I've already let him down by the way I react in certain situations or on bad days. But I hope he is already learning about trust and love and compassion.
Reeve learned who "HoHo" is in just one day. He is still saying "Ho Ho Ho Ho" every time we see that jolly dude anywhere. Today at lunch, he saw a big man with suspenders and a white beard and yelled, "HO HO HO!!!" All Christmas season, I thought his obsession was cute, but I began to feel guilty that Reeve associated anything Christmas with Ho Ho Ho and Santa and snowmen. Shouldn't I have taught him the Reason instead of, or at least in addition to, Santa?
He is learning so many new things every day. At his tender age, it much easier to teach him something than it is to teach an older person, already set in his or her ways. I want to make 2014 all about Christ and His sacrifice for us. I want our son to grow up in a home that is centered around Jesus and His mercy. I want us to show that same mercy to each other and to everyone. I want Reeve to see his mom and dad pray together, read the Bible together, and talk about our Lord. I want him to feel able to speak his heart without fear of ridicule or negativity. I want him to view our home as a place of comfort and joy and happiness.
Perhaps the best way to teach a baby/infant/kid...well anyone, really...about Jesus is just to act like Him. Reeve may not be able to comprehend who Christ is or what He did quite yet, but Derick and I are able to show him the same type of love everyday by being focused on committing our relationship and family to God's purpose. Then, when he is a little older, it will be an easy transition from seeing Jesus in his parents to seeing Jesus face-to-face for all that He is. Right?
I've messed up a lot. A LOT. My focus wasn't always on Jesus, my mission wasn't always the mission God has for me. I still mess up everyday and do the same dumb things over and over. I set my sights on worldly stuff and get caught up in the chaos of being a human. But I hope that I am taking some steps forward in my walk with Christ, and I hope our family can be one that pleases Him, even with our flaws and in spite of our pasts.
Derick's New Years Resolution is to read the entire Bible. He told me that he's excited but nervous, especially about reading those Old Testament books like Numbers and Judges. Our pastor in Jacksonville laid it out really nicely one time that even those books point straight to Jesus. Read them, and you'll see! Maybe my life can be like the book of Numbers, lots of mumble jumble blah blah confusing stuff, but in the end, important, because it tells about Jesus!

Adios 2013!

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