Well, the weather is finally turning non-tropical in coastal Carolina. I'm in my sweats because my house is like an igloo. It actually warmed up a little after I baked a cake and left the oven door open for a little while after it finished. Still in my sweats, though.
I don't have anything exciting to blog about, but I've been doing laundry all day, so I needed a break from mating socks.
Derick has been going to his unit since last week, and I think he really likes it! I think he's just thankful to put some distance between himself and PowerPoint for a while. He had to get a flu shot last week, and afterwards, he started running a fever and feeling puny. That always happens to him. During his first time at OCS, they gave him a flu shot and he came back home to me, not only with a torn ACL, but sicker than I'd ever seen him. Flu shots aren't really his cup of tea. He feels a lot better today though.
This Saturday is our very first Marine Corps Birthday Ball. I'm excited! Ours is in Myrtle Beach, and we've never been there, so that will be fun. I am wearing a very pretty dress that I wore in my friend's wedding. I think it will go just nicely with DR's dress blues.
I started my tutoring job last week, and it was fun. The kids were very sweet. One girl has a dog named Paris as well. How 'bout dat?!
Yesterday, I went to church alone because Derick was sick. (I met the Snows there). Afterwards, I went to the Commissary. It was a crazy mad house. There was seriously a man laying down on the cereal isle as he compared two boxes of cereal. His stupid buggy was at his feet, so I couldn't get by. I was getting a little nutty in there, though I tried to maintain my calm. I finally made it to the checkout, where my sweet little bagger reminded me so much of Jacob Black (the werewolf), so he received an extra dolla from me. He was very nice, and I was grateful that someone else in that store had their brains a' workin.
Ok, so guess what? I JUST had my first Trick-or-Treaters!! Two witches and a Rainbow Bright. It was so exciting!! I love giving out candy! It's starting to sprinkle a little bit. I hope that doesn't keep the treaters away. It's so much fun! So, on that note, I'm going to go put Paris in her costume. Hope I didn't bore you to the point that you want to lay down in the cereal isle.