So I just typed up a very informative and fancy blog, but somehow the mouse on this computer decided to stop working, which sent everything into a chaotic tailspin of trying to make windows stop popping up and crazy things opening. It was dramatic. Needless to say, my fancy post was lost in the ruckus, so you are left with this.
I would first like to say Happy Viet Nam Veterans' Day! My Daddy served as a Marine in Viet Nam, and I am so proud to be his daughter! Love you, Dad!
I am feeling much better overall. I am even going to attempt to get the ENTIRE house clean today. I've been set back by about an hour because of the computer fiasco, but I will prevail. It is so easy to cop out of cleaning when you feel sick and have no energy, but this is my job as a housewife, so it's time to stop with the pity party and get to work. I saw a Terminal Lance comic strip this week about a wife who declares she has the "toughest job in the Corps," but sits on her rump all day, all fat and pregnant and eating chips. I was getting a little to close to that stereotype for my own liking. Don't get me wrong. I definitely do things around the house. We don't live in a pig sty, so stop reporting me to hoarders. I am just a little like my mom in that I like my house to be as close to spotless as possible. I'm not like my mom in that I just cannot muster the energy and moto to deep clean it every single hour of every day. She is supermom, for sure, and I have a lot to live up to.
I've been casually mentioning to Derick how easy it was to keep our little one-bedroom apartment in Quantico clean and tidy, but now that we have a house, it's much more difficult. However, I was thinking this morning (dangerous in itself) and I realized that because we don't use the spare bedrooms they are usually clean anyway, so that leaves us with basically the same amount of rooms as our little apartment. Sure, the size of the rooms are a little bigger, but that doesn't really excuse me from doing my job. Thus, I am fully determined to get this house back in order. I really need to get more organizational things like crates and baskets, but I think I'll wait until we move on base to get that carried away.
I had a doctor's appointment this week, and I got to hear the heartbeat again, which was at 145, a little slower than last time. I guess the little angel is growing and settling into his/her new body, so his/her tiny heart doesn't need to work quite as hard. My next appointment is at the end of April, which seems so far away! Before I was pregnant, I thought it was funny that moms on Facebook were so obsessed with their next appointments. I understand completely now. We should find out if we are having a b or g at this next appointment. I've been trying to remain fair, so I call the baby a boy for one full day and a girl the next day. We really are happy either way! We just want a healthy baby (and I prefer that he or she has a wider range of food preferences than Daddy!) I have been getting vibes that the baby is a boy. I guess because the other night, I had a dream that the baby was born--a boy, with a blonde comb-over. The hair was a little too dignified for our family, but other than that he was cute! Who knows, though? We may have a little princess on the way, and she's getting ticked that I think she's a boy. Wow, three girls! Derick would have to be institutionalized.
I bought two cacti the other day, and I love them. They look so nice in the window next to my (still-living) orchid that Derick gave me.
I have been slowly accumulating baby stuff. Our new stroller set was such a good deal, it makes me want to go hunting for more stuff! Kelsey made us tons of cute little burp cloths and a blanket. They are so soft! She also made a diaper bag (yes, she MADE a diaper bag) that matches our stroller and carrier perfectly. I've been registering slowly for gender-neutral things and necessities online. My sis and niece are apparently giving us a shower when I go to Arkansas in May/June. I figured it would be nice to have some things on Amazon for people who would rather shop online. It's really fun to register for stuff! I had no idea you could have an online registry until recently. I guess that's because I always shop for people in the store, and the last time I actually registered was in 2005 and Wal-Mart was my only option!
Let's see. What else has been going on? Oh! We saw the Hunger Games at the midnight premier, and I thought it was good. Of course, the book was better as always, but I thought they did a good job casting the movie, and it was just nice to have a visual to go alongside the book. I really like Jennifer Lawrence. I think she is such a good actress!
Speaking of movies, Derick just sent me a text that said, "ANCHORMAN 2!!!" My response: "Oh no."
I really have to clean now! :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
as i spill pickle juice on Derick's computer
I have strayed from puking for a couple of days, and I felt well enough to actually clean an entire room today. I don't know if I'm fighting for energy or motivation or both. Now that I can finally eat something, I find myself at the fridge "needing" a snack every 10 minutes or so.
It's such a beautiful day today. I have the windows open, and I've been watching Saved by the Bell non-stop since this morning. I'm trying to talk myself into tidying the kitchen and tackling the two overflowing baskets of clean laundry, but it seemed more practical to hop on the computer and search for discount cloth diapers.
We got our first two diapers in the mail today, and I think Paris was more eager to open them than I was. They are so cute, and I got them for $8 and $9, which is a pretty good deal compared to $20. The inserts and diapers themselves are way more plush and soft than what I'd imagined. We just need to buy about 15 or so more, and we should apparently be set. I'm still trying to figure out the fine details of cloth diapering, and I've driven a couple of my friends batty, I'm sure, with all of my questions. I may end up tagging a few people at the end of this post, so beware. Here are some questions that still leave me a little clueless:
*On average, about how many times will I be changing the inserts? It seems to me that I will need like 10 inserts per day! That is probably drastic, but I don't want our baby sitting around in a wet diaper just to salvage inserts. Which leads me to question two:
*How many inserts, per diaper, do I need? I plan to buy the one-size diapers, which come with one insert and can be used until the baby is practically a toddler. I read that there is a certain type of diaper that has a pocket (so I'm guessing the "pocket diaper") that you just slip the insert (or even a small hand towel, can you believe that??) into the pocket as an insert.
*Does the baby need an insert at all times? As you can see, these insert things are wearing me out a little bit. But it just doesn't seem practical to change the actual diaper during every change. I might as well use the disposable ones, right?? haha.
*Is it ok if I don't buy any prefolds/ flats? I'm thinking, if it's even possible, that we will just stick with the one size or pocket diapers (the ones with the outer shell). When I think of prefolds/flats, I think of my mother chasing me around as a baby (not that I remember this at all) with diaper pins larger than my head and a huge surrender flag. If I've got the entire idea of prefolds and flats completely wrong, PLEASE set me straight. They just seem a lot more time consuming and difficult. I need quick and easy or I will just jump right into the disposable boat. (Now that's an invention! A disposable boat...ya know, one time use only. Just fish for a couple of hours, then toss it in the trash. Why just own one boat when you can own hundreds!? Wow, my brain is literally that yucky stuff inside an exploding disposable diaper...moving on...)
*I'm on ebay, which is a challenge to me in itself, and I searched "new cloth diapers." The cheapest ones seem to be Nappy brand, and there are a lot of them. I googled the brand and it seems legitimate, but I would like some personal feedback. Have any of you used/heard good or bad things about this brand?
*Speaking of ebay, can you really get a new brand name diaper for $2? This may be a more ebay-related question, but it just seems unreal. These are definitely active auctions or whatever, which may be a problem for me. It just seems addictive! HA!
Ok. Enough questions, although I truly have tons more. I'm going a little baby nutso, and it's not safe. I am just so clueless, for real. And when it comes to routine or anything that involves instructions, I tend to have a difficult time grasping. I know our baby isn't going to melt or anything if we do something wrong or weird with the cloth diapers. I just want to prepare myself the best I can with the things that make my brain turn to mush the most. Breastfeeding is an entirely different post! And let me just add this, if it wasn't for Beth Regland and her obvious success and firm stance on breastfeeding, I think I'd be quaking in my boots right now. Babies are so tiny and sweet, but they scare the hello out of me. Fer realz.
Yesterday, Derick took me to Babies R Us and Target to check We found a lot of stuff we like, of course. While we were at lunch (yes I went OUT for lunch!), my niece, DeAnna, called. I told her that we went window shopping for baby stuff and found a lot of things we wanted. DeAnna, who just in the third grade, is a pretty straight forward chick. I need to do a post about her because she cracks me up. After I told her that we saw so much cute stuff, she just said, "how do you know what you want to buy if you don't even know if it's a boy or girl?" She's full of excellent questions like that.
Derick and I are both so ready to find out what (or, "who") we are having. I didn't know he was so eager, but he told me yesterday that he couldn't wait. He said, "you know how I am with surprises?" Yes, I do. He breaks our family rules and shakes all of his Christmas gifts the day they go under the tree. He can't stand not knowing what's in the box. He hates that he can't shake my every-growing belly and get an answer. Next week, I go in for a weight check because the sickness held me back a little. I will be 15 weeks, and I am going to beg those nurses to just TRY. I may even slide them a couple hundred under the table, hush hush. Just kidding. Don't report me to TriCare.
Kelsey comes back from the north tonight, and I had a dream last night that she came back with a southern accent. I doubt that happens. If anything, I'm going to have to hire a translator so that Chase and I can understand her. She's been around the Yanks too long.
Ok, I've wasted an hour sitting here. I need to be productive. Fighting with the pickle jar that refuses to open does not really qualify me as a good and decent housewife. Someday, I promise I will knock off the baby talk long enough to discuss something else. Ok, I don't promise, but I will try.
It's such a beautiful day today. I have the windows open, and I've been watching Saved by the Bell non-stop since this morning. I'm trying to talk myself into tidying the kitchen and tackling the two overflowing baskets of clean laundry, but it seemed more practical to hop on the computer and search for discount cloth diapers.
We got our first two diapers in the mail today, and I think Paris was more eager to open them than I was. They are so cute, and I got them for $8 and $9, which is a pretty good deal compared to $20. The inserts and diapers themselves are way more plush and soft than what I'd imagined. We just need to buy about 15 or so more, and we should apparently be set. I'm still trying to figure out the fine details of cloth diapering, and I've driven a couple of my friends batty, I'm sure, with all of my questions. I may end up tagging a few people at the end of this post, so beware. Here are some questions that still leave me a little clueless:
*On average, about how many times will I be changing the inserts? It seems to me that I will need like 10 inserts per day! That is probably drastic, but I don't want our baby sitting around in a wet diaper just to salvage inserts. Which leads me to question two:
*How many inserts, per diaper, do I need? I plan to buy the one-size diapers, which come with one insert and can be used until the baby is practically a toddler. I read that there is a certain type of diaper that has a pocket (so I'm guessing the "pocket diaper") that you just slip the insert (or even a small hand towel, can you believe that??) into the pocket as an insert.
*Does the baby need an insert at all times? As you can see, these insert things are wearing me out a little bit. But it just doesn't seem practical to change the actual diaper during every change. I might as well use the disposable ones, right?? haha.
*Is it ok if I don't buy any prefolds/ flats? I'm thinking, if it's even possible, that we will just stick with the one size or pocket diapers (the ones with the outer shell). When I think of prefolds/flats, I think of my mother chasing me around as a baby (not that I remember this at all) with diaper pins larger than my head and a huge surrender flag. If I've got the entire idea of prefolds and flats completely wrong, PLEASE set me straight. They just seem a lot more time consuming and difficult. I need quick and easy or I will just jump right into the disposable boat. (Now that's an invention! A disposable boat...ya know, one time use only. Just fish for a couple of hours, then toss it in the trash. Why just own one boat when you can own hundreds!? Wow, my brain is literally that yucky stuff inside an exploding disposable diaper...moving on...)
*I'm on ebay, which is a challenge to me in itself, and I searched "new cloth diapers." The cheapest ones seem to be Nappy brand, and there are a lot of them. I googled the brand and it seems legitimate, but I would like some personal feedback. Have any of you used/heard good or bad things about this brand?
*Speaking of ebay, can you really get a new brand name diaper for $2? This may be a more ebay-related question, but it just seems unreal. These are definitely active auctions or whatever, which may be a problem for me. It just seems addictive! HA!
Ok. Enough questions, although I truly have tons more. I'm going a little baby nutso, and it's not safe. I am just so clueless, for real. And when it comes to routine or anything that involves instructions, I tend to have a difficult time grasping. I know our baby isn't going to melt or anything if we do something wrong or weird with the cloth diapers. I just want to prepare myself the best I can with the things that make my brain turn to mush the most. Breastfeeding is an entirely different post! And let me just add this, if it wasn't for Beth Regland and her obvious success and firm stance on breastfeeding, I think I'd be quaking in my boots right now. Babies are so tiny and sweet, but they scare the hello out of me. Fer realz.
Yesterday, Derick took me to Babies R Us and Target to check We found a lot of stuff we like, of course. While we were at lunch (yes I went OUT for lunch!), my niece, DeAnna, called. I told her that we went window shopping for baby stuff and found a lot of things we wanted. DeAnna, who just in the third grade, is a pretty straight forward chick. I need to do a post about her because she cracks me up. After I told her that we saw so much cute stuff, she just said, "how do you know what you want to buy if you don't even know if it's a boy or girl?" She's full of excellent questions like that.
Derick and I are both so ready to find out what (or, "who") we are having. I didn't know he was so eager, but he told me yesterday that he couldn't wait. He said, "you know how I am with surprises?" Yes, I do. He breaks our family rules and shakes all of his Christmas gifts the day they go under the tree. He can't stand not knowing what's in the box. He hates that he can't shake my every-growing belly and get an answer. Next week, I go in for a weight check because the sickness held me back a little. I will be 15 weeks, and I am going to beg those nurses to just TRY. I may even slide them a couple hundred under the table, hush hush. Just kidding. Don't report me to TriCare.
Kelsey comes back from the north tonight, and I had a dream last night that she came back with a southern accent. I doubt that happens. If anything, I'm going to have to hire a translator so that Chase and I can understand her. She's been around the Yanks too long.
Ok, I've wasted an hour sitting here. I need to be productive. Fighting with the pickle jar that refuses to open does not really qualify me as a good and decent housewife. Someday, I promise I will knock off the baby talk long enough to discuss something else. Ok, I don't promise, but I will try.
Monday, March 12, 2012
coke deals, spitcans, and peacocks.
Good morning, Viet Nam!!!
Ok, so it's nearly noon, but I basically just crawled out of bed, so it's still morning to me. Somehow, I feel well enough to sit down at the laptop in the floor in front of the tv to update the blog. Of course I'm planning to throw in a bunch of pregnancy rambles, so hang with me and I will try to touch on some other topics, too.
Today I have another OB appointment, and if all goes well, Derick will get to join. This will be his first appointment, so I'm excited and hoping they do an ultrasound so that he can see our tiny angel baby. I'm hoping a little more that somehow they will be able to tell us if we are having a b or g because I am so ready to decide on decorations and items! We have our names chosen, pretty much, but we're waiting to get the news before sharing with everyone. I guarantee that they are adorable! Speaking of adorable, let me stop right here and say WELCOME TO THE WORLD, BABY CARTER METCALF! One of my best friends (whom I grew to love during the magical journey of TBS), Shannon, had her beautiful boy last week. He is so precious, and I can't wait to meet him as soon as possible! I remember giving Shannon a hard time (about several things) but especially about having a baby. She talked like she would be a rotten mother, but one day I saw her holding our friend Michaela's baby, Annabelle, and I thought, "wow. She's going to be a great mom." A few months after that, she held our other friend Beth's baby, Emmett, and I was once again convinced. As always, I was right because Shannon is definitely a wonderful mother!
Anyway, back to my own weird ramblings. My sickness is still lingering around, haunting me from time to time. I've heard it should be gone by now (considering at least one of the doctors were right about my due date, I should be nicely into my second trimester) but I'm fearing that I may be one of those women whose sickness "unfortunately sticks with them throughout the duration of their pregnancy." I am feeling much better than the previous weeks, when my pukiness was constant. Now, it comes and goes throughout the day, but it is definitely still hanging out. What may be worse, dare I say, is the ptyalism. I am not at all joking when I say I carry a double-bagged trashcan with me from room to room because my mouth fills with spit faster than I can spit it out. Ask my family. Carrying the trashcan is almost as gross as spitting into it. It's so full of spit that it sort of sloshes around in there, similar to that feeling you get when you drink way too much water too quickly and it feels like there's a small lake inside of you. It's disgusting, so I try to change out my bags as often as possible. This morning, I was in between awake and asleep and I started to think about the spit and how our trash contribution will be full of spit bags this week. Then I imagined the bags getting ripped and my spit covering all the other trash in the garbage truck. Then I imagined a murdered body in the truck and getting framed for murder because my DNA was all over the dead body. I thought of elaborate ways to prove my innocence by showing the police my current spit cans and my previous blog posts declaring my condition to the world.
Moving on...I have a confession and some of my close friends may have to pick their jaw up off the floor when they read this. I haven't had sodas in years, and when I say sodas, I mean the "hard stuff" like Coke, DP, Mr. Pibb, Mt. Dew, etc. I drink caffeine free stuff, like Sprite and Root Beer from time to time, but I still try to limit my intake of those. Other than the whole addiction/unhealthy aspect of sodas, Derick quit drinking them cold turkey about four years ago (maybe longer), so I really just jumped on board with him, and I have to say I think it was the best thing I've ever done. I am convinced I would easily weigh 200 pounds if I still drank sodas like I did during our first year of marriage. It feels good not to depend on drinks like that. I know a lot of people who say that they "just must have a soda." And I believe them. If you go so long drinking them, it's kind of hard to stop. I don't think I was ever highly affected by the caffeine because I was always a little rambunctious anyway, but I LOVED the taste of a cold Coke, so those were hard to put down. It's also nice not spending money on those drinks. I'm getting on a high horse here, but I hate spending money on things that do nothing but harm your body. There are so many things like that, and you can go through my freezer on any given day and argue this same thing with me because of the ice cream we usually keep in there. But, hands down, it is nice to just skip the soft drink isle without even blinking. Those things can get expensive! Anyway, here's the confession: while I was in Arkansas, I had two or three days when I felt well enough to go on a short walk or play with my nieces and nephew. But other than that, I was down for the count. I was puking a lot, and I couldn't eat much at all, nor could I drink anything. It's weird to explain. I was so thirsty, but the thought of any drink made my stomach turn. I tried water, juice, milk, a slush. Everything! But nothing hit the spot, and I was obviously dehydrated. I would go all day barely taking a few sips of juice and eating only a few ice cubes. Not good. One night, I told my Dad about the issue and he said I should try a Diet Coke (which is what he drinks and keeps the house stocked with). He told me that sometimes they help his upset stomach, and though he's never had the same upset stomach issues that I was dealing with, I was ready to try anything. He opened a caffeine free Diet Coke (this story is sounding more and more like a gateway drug story) and I took a sip. It didn't hit the spot, but it didn't make me sick either. During the time I was with my parents, I took a few sips of Diet Coke when I was feeling really sick, and sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't. Well, a lot of people have told me to eat/drink whatever and whenever I can, especially when I am feeling weak and dehydrated. So two days ago, I really really wanted a regular Coke, in a bottle. The bottle is the best kind, and I'm talking glass bottle. I wouldn't drink it any other way. Well, Derick came home from the store yesterday with the goods: ice cream, pickles, pot pies, juice, ginger ale, and, you guessed it, Coke in a bottle. He was showing me my new gifts one by one, and when he showed me the Coke, it was just a tiny glass bottle. I'd assumed he just bought one, and one was enough. I was so thirsty, and water and juice was no longer cutting it. So I have been saving my glass Coke until I really, really needed it. Last night, I was able to eat a little rice and beans from his enchilada dinner, so I didn't think my body was too famished. This morning, though, I woke up when he did (around 0500) and felt terribly sick. I took a pill, ate some oatmeal and went back to sleep. When I woke up, I had to have a drumstick (the frozen, dairy kind), and what better to wash it down with than my glass bottle Coke?! I opened the fridge, and much to my surprise, not one, but an entire six-pack of tiny glass bottles smiled right back at me. I drank a swig of one, and put it back in the fridge to save for another day, but I went right back and convinced myself it was ok to have the whole thing. See, those little devils are addictive!! I'm saving the other five for a really, really rainy day.
I feel guilty because if caffeine is so horrible for me, how bad can it be for our baby? I'm leaning on the advice to drink whatever/whenever I can, and I know that for the past month or so, I haven't been eating or drinking the way an expectant mother should. Still, I don't want our baby coming out all loco. I mean, look at what a tiny bottle of Coke can do to me--I've been rambling non-stop!! This post is probably a mile long!
I know I could be doing a lot worse and putting really horrible things in my body, but that is not a motto I embrace or appreciate: "I could be doing a lot worse." I think it's a cop-out, because I could also be doing a lot better. I'll shut up about Coke and pregnancy, for now.
Derick had to wear his deserts today, and I have to say that those uniforms are by far better than the woodlands. I appreciate the woodlands because Derick was wearing those the first time I saw him in uniform, but nothing can beat the deserts. Unless a rule is made that restricts Marines from rolling the sleeves. A lot of Marine wives are right on board with me on this one. Were any of you up early enough to see the difference the rolled sleeves can make? I'm pretty sure my half asleep pregnancy brain told Derick, "those look goofy now." Maybe we should sign a petition to bring back the rolled sleeves.
This week, my goal is to hit the gym at some point. If I feel better, that is. There is a pregnancy fitness class on base, and now that I'm showing a little bit, I feel more comfortable joining. I have to do something, though. I do not want to be a tub of lard in nine months. I think of my friends, Beth and Michaela, who looked incredible during their pregnancies. Beth wore a bikini while she was eight months pregnant, and she looked way better than I ever have! My goal is to look half as good as Beth, then I will consider buying the peacock bikini from Forever21 that Kelsey insists I purchase:

Now, just imagine a giant belly and week-long unshampooed hair, and I pretty much fit the picture. (Speaking of picture, I do not own this picture, nor am I affiliated with Forever21 in anyway.) Just in case!
Ok, so it's nearly noon, but I basically just crawled out of bed, so it's still morning to me. Somehow, I feel well enough to sit down at the laptop in the floor in front of the tv to update the blog. Of course I'm planning to throw in a bunch of pregnancy rambles, so hang with me and I will try to touch on some other topics, too.
Today I have another OB appointment, and if all goes well, Derick will get to join. This will be his first appointment, so I'm excited and hoping they do an ultrasound so that he can see our tiny angel baby. I'm hoping a little more that somehow they will be able to tell us if we are having a b or g because I am so ready to decide on decorations and items! We have our names chosen, pretty much, but we're waiting to get the news before sharing with everyone. I guarantee that they are adorable! Speaking of adorable, let me stop right here and say WELCOME TO THE WORLD, BABY CARTER METCALF! One of my best friends (whom I grew to love during the magical journey of TBS), Shannon, had her beautiful boy last week. He is so precious, and I can't wait to meet him as soon as possible! I remember giving Shannon a hard time (about several things) but especially about having a baby. She talked like she would be a rotten mother, but one day I saw her holding our friend Michaela's baby, Annabelle, and I thought, "wow. She's going to be a great mom." A few months after that, she held our other friend Beth's baby, Emmett, and I was once again convinced. As always, I was right because Shannon is definitely a wonderful mother!
Anyway, back to my own weird ramblings. My sickness is still lingering around, haunting me from time to time. I've heard it should be gone by now (considering at least one of the doctors were right about my due date, I should be nicely into my second trimester) but I'm fearing that I may be one of those women whose sickness "unfortunately sticks with them throughout the duration of their pregnancy." I am feeling much better than the previous weeks, when my pukiness was constant. Now, it comes and goes throughout the day, but it is definitely still hanging out. What may be worse, dare I say, is the ptyalism. I am not at all joking when I say I carry a double-bagged trashcan with me from room to room because my mouth fills with spit faster than I can spit it out. Ask my family. Carrying the trashcan is almost as gross as spitting into it. It's so full of spit that it sort of sloshes around in there, similar to that feeling you get when you drink way too much water too quickly and it feels like there's a small lake inside of you. It's disgusting, so I try to change out my bags as often as possible. This morning, I was in between awake and asleep and I started to think about the spit and how our trash contribution will be full of spit bags this week. Then I imagined the bags getting ripped and my spit covering all the other trash in the garbage truck. Then I imagined a murdered body in the truck and getting framed for murder because my DNA was all over the dead body. I thought of elaborate ways to prove my innocence by showing the police my current spit cans and my previous blog posts declaring my condition to the world.
Moving on...I have a confession and some of my close friends may have to pick their jaw up off the floor when they read this. I haven't had sodas in years, and when I say sodas, I mean the "hard stuff" like Coke, DP, Mr. Pibb, Mt. Dew, etc. I drink caffeine free stuff, like Sprite and Root Beer from time to time, but I still try to limit my intake of those. Other than the whole addiction/unhealthy aspect of sodas, Derick quit drinking them cold turkey about four years ago (maybe longer), so I really just jumped on board with him, and I have to say I think it was the best thing I've ever done. I am convinced I would easily weigh 200 pounds if I still drank sodas like I did during our first year of marriage. It feels good not to depend on drinks like that. I know a lot of people who say that they "just must have a soda." And I believe them. If you go so long drinking them, it's kind of hard to stop. I don't think I was ever highly affected by the caffeine because I was always a little rambunctious anyway, but I LOVED the taste of a cold Coke, so those were hard to put down. It's also nice not spending money on those drinks. I'm getting on a high horse here, but I hate spending money on things that do nothing but harm your body. There are so many things like that, and you can go through my freezer on any given day and argue this same thing with me because of the ice cream we usually keep in there. But, hands down, it is nice to just skip the soft drink isle without even blinking. Those things can get expensive! Anyway, here's the confession: while I was in Arkansas, I had two or three days when I felt well enough to go on a short walk or play with my nieces and nephew. But other than that, I was down for the count. I was puking a lot, and I couldn't eat much at all, nor could I drink anything. It's weird to explain. I was so thirsty, but the thought of any drink made my stomach turn. I tried water, juice, milk, a slush. Everything! But nothing hit the spot, and I was obviously dehydrated. I would go all day barely taking a few sips of juice and eating only a few ice cubes. Not good. One night, I told my Dad about the issue and he said I should try a Diet Coke (which is what he drinks and keeps the house stocked with). He told me that sometimes they help his upset stomach, and though he's never had the same upset stomach issues that I was dealing with, I was ready to try anything. He opened a caffeine free Diet Coke (this story is sounding more and more like a gateway drug story) and I took a sip. It didn't hit the spot, but it didn't make me sick either. During the time I was with my parents, I took a few sips of Diet Coke when I was feeling really sick, and sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't. Well, a lot of people have told me to eat/drink whatever and whenever I can, especially when I am feeling weak and dehydrated. So two days ago, I really really wanted a regular Coke, in a bottle. The bottle is the best kind, and I'm talking glass bottle. I wouldn't drink it any other way. Well, Derick came home from the store yesterday with the goods: ice cream, pickles, pot pies, juice, ginger ale, and, you guessed it, Coke in a bottle. He was showing me my new gifts one by one, and when he showed me the Coke, it was just a tiny glass bottle. I'd assumed he just bought one, and one was enough. I was so thirsty, and water and juice was no longer cutting it. So I have been saving my glass Coke until I really, really needed it. Last night, I was able to eat a little rice and beans from his enchilada dinner, so I didn't think my body was too famished. This morning, though, I woke up when he did (around 0500) and felt terribly sick. I took a pill, ate some oatmeal and went back to sleep. When I woke up, I had to have a drumstick (the frozen, dairy kind), and what better to wash it down with than my glass bottle Coke?! I opened the fridge, and much to my surprise, not one, but an entire six-pack of tiny glass bottles smiled right back at me. I drank a swig of one, and put it back in the fridge to save for another day, but I went right back and convinced myself it was ok to have the whole thing. See, those little devils are addictive!! I'm saving the other five for a really, really rainy day.
I feel guilty because if caffeine is so horrible for me, how bad can it be for our baby? I'm leaning on the advice to drink whatever/whenever I can, and I know that for the past month or so, I haven't been eating or drinking the way an expectant mother should. Still, I don't want our baby coming out all loco. I mean, look at what a tiny bottle of Coke can do to me--I've been rambling non-stop!! This post is probably a mile long!
I know I could be doing a lot worse and putting really horrible things in my body, but that is not a motto I embrace or appreciate: "I could be doing a lot worse." I think it's a cop-out, because I could also be doing a lot better. I'll shut up about Coke and pregnancy, for now.
Derick had to wear his deserts today, and I have to say that those uniforms are by far better than the woodlands. I appreciate the woodlands because Derick was wearing those the first time I saw him in uniform, but nothing can beat the deserts. Unless a rule is made that restricts Marines from rolling the sleeves. A lot of Marine wives are right on board with me on this one. Were any of you up early enough to see the difference the rolled sleeves can make? I'm pretty sure my half asleep pregnancy brain told Derick, "those look goofy now." Maybe we should sign a petition to bring back the rolled sleeves.
This week, my goal is to hit the gym at some point. If I feel better, that is. There is a pregnancy fitness class on base, and now that I'm showing a little bit, I feel more comfortable joining. I have to do something, though. I do not want to be a tub of lard in nine months. I think of my friends, Beth and Michaela, who looked incredible during their pregnancies. Beth wore a bikini while she was eight months pregnant, and she looked way better than I ever have! My goal is to look half as good as Beth, then I will consider buying the peacock bikini from Forever21 that Kelsey insists I purchase:
Now, just imagine a giant belly and week-long unshampooed hair, and I pretty much fit the picture. (Speaking of picture, I do not own this picture, nor am I affiliated with Forever21 in anyway.) Just in case!
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