Thursday, May 10, 2012

MY DAY!!!!!!!!

Today has been a day. I have not had a day like today in a very long time--probably since I was working in a very stressful workplace, and we all know how long it's been since I've worked, period. Of course, it had to be today. It couldn't have been yesterday because that would have been too easy for so many reasons. Nope, today was the day.
I went to sleep in the wee morning hours and had to wake up ultra early, like 3 a.m. James Morrison's song, "Wonderful World" was in my head, and I should have taken it as a hint. Read the lyrics. Not all but most of them are quite applicable.
I'm not going into details about the craziness that was today. People have it worse than I do. I have it great, so who am I to complain about a couple setbacks, complications, fears? I am reminded of the verse, "cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." And in the midst of frustration and stress, it's hard to cool it enough to remember to do that; to just give it to the Lord and stop letting human emotions play such a role in the situation and its outcome. 
When I got home from "my day," I walked Paris around the block and found time to tell God my concerns. He probably laughs at the pettiness, but He is loving. With the combination of God's presence, a few reassuring texts from Derick, a hug from Kelsey, and my mother's encouragement that is signature to her, I was quickly able to reevaluate my circumstances and step back long enough to see the big picture. Maybe not THE big picture, but at least a bigger one. This is something that would have been impossible just a couple of years ago. I was so impressionable and unwavering to stress. 
Well, stress is not me. My heart wasn't made to FREAK OUT like I used to. I'm going to be a mother, and mothers should try their hardest to take what they're given. My mom does that with such grace.
Derick has bragged on my "behavior" during the pregnancy, and I laughed when my mom said my dad said the same about her when she was pregnant. Apparently, I am much more easily managed. I don't lose it so easily and I'm not such an emotional wreck, which if you knew me before Reeve, then you know just how severe of a wreck I was. Funny because both Derick and I were quite fearful of how I might act with the crazy pregnancy hormones combined with my already-nutty nature. So far, we're both pleasantly surprised that I'm not constantly knocking people out at WalMart or crying at every news broadcast. Trust me, I've had my episodes, but they've been significantly subtle compared to my prenatal episodes. 
It's weird, but though my mind is all jumbled and I'm forgetful and clumsy with this pregnancy, I also feel like a little blinder has been removed from my eyes and so many things are a little clearer. What a blessing, and I know it's not because of any natural thing that's happening in me. I'm pretty sure it's just God's way of giving not only me, but those around me (and in my belly) what they need. They don't need a crazy, psycho, easily-stressed girl yelling at them. I'm getting better every day. Today, I had my day, and there may very well be many more to follow, but it's good to see the bigger picture at the end of the day. It's good to let it go. It's good to take what I've been given. It's a good day.

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