Monday, July 23, 2012


I have a lot to do today. With that said, I'd like this post to be ultra short, however we all know how rambly I get, so we'll just see about that. I had a dentist appointment this morning, and it went well. They told me I have beautiful teeth, which I rarely hear from the dentist. Strange, I know, because I've been an avid patient since I was a tyke, but they always seem to find some kind of something wrong with my teeth. I have about thirty billion fillings, and I've dealt with probably every issue you can think of when it comes to dental stuff. I'm really big on brushing and flossing--just ask Derick. I drive him a little crazy making sure he brushes as he should. My friend Kelsey is a hygienist (very weird word to spell), and she told me that a lot of times cavity-prone teeth have less to do with hygiene and a little more to do with genetics. I've got some good genes, let me tell you. (Sorry Reeve).
Anyway, after my dentist appointment, I registered Parisann on base (she's now completely legal!) and came home and crashed. Ok, so I threw apple pie ingredients into the crockpot first, but after that I crashed. I'm not sure what is going on with my body lately. Umm duh, it's pregnant. But I am just so dang sleepy. I got plenty of sleep last night, even after waking up from a dream that Derick and I killed a man in a fancy hotel room and hid the body, only to find out the man was actually just a Muppet. 
I don't mean to brag, but I really have been doing a lot, considering "my condition." Derick has nicknamed me, "Nester" because I'm pretty OCD about Reeve's room and his stuff and our house in general. He keeps saying we have plenty of time to get it all done, and I argue that he can't be so sure about that, especially since my due date seems to be a little earlier than first expected. I just like/want to have things in order, instead of waiting until the last minute and then forgetting something important. Plus, while I have the energy (somewhat), why not get it done? One day very soon, I'm pretty sure my energy will be completely zapped--never, ever to return again. I've been after Derick for a few days to get Reeve's carseat installed. He has two bases, one for each car, and yesterday I told Derick I would be happy if he could just get one in the Kia, since that's our nicer car and the one I use the most. Plus, the Ford has crap air conditioning right now, which is another blog post. Anyway, I knew Derick wasn't feeling keen on the installation, but after about six episodes of Biggest Loser yesterday, I finally coaxed him into the garage to get that seat latched down. Apparently, this isn't an easy task. Maybe it's because our carseat is European and all those foreigners are very unfamiliar with our fast-paced, easy-as-possible society, but Derick struggled with that seat for over half an hour. Once in place, he had me check it, and unfortunately, I didn't really like the idea of the carseat being really close to the back of the passenger seat. I like to lean back like a gangster when I ride anyway, so it wasn't really working that the seat was in an uncomfortable, grandma-like, upright position. 
I backed the car out of the garage, which Derick thought was stupid at first. He realized how smart his wife is once I rolled the windows down and fresh air was able to circulate through the car. Drenched in sweat from his time in the garage, Derick moved the seat to the middle and secured it very nicely. I'm proud of him. 
So if for some reason Reeve decides to come earlier than expected, the carseat is ready. Half my bag is packed, but I still need to invest in a nightgown, apparently. I also need to write a birth plan and find Reeve a coming home outfit. He already has a couple cute outfits we're going to take for pics in the hospital.
As far as his room goes, everything is basically in order. Some stuff still needs to be hung, but other than that, it's ready. Now, I guess we just wait, which is not easy for me, and I'm pretty sure Derick is a little uncharacteristically anxious as well. I'm pretty sure Reeve is content where he is right now, although last night, I was *trying* to get off the couch, and I guess he recognized my struggle. As I rolled over, a giant mound formed on my belly. I get these little mounds a lot. I guess it's just the way he likes to lay: booty in the air. But last night's mound was anything but little. I pointed it out to Derick, whose eyes became equally as large. We couldn't believe it! Derick said, "Reeve, you're trying to come out the wrong end," and he patted his little butt ever so sweetly. Reeve slowly burrowed his butt back into a normal position. Maybe he was trying to stand, to help me stand. He really is an advanced baby, already standing. Haha! 
Well, it really is time for some house work. No time for spellcheck/editing, so enjoy the errors! Have a GRAND Monday!

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