Thursday, July 19, 2012

life aboard mcb cj

So, I've been really horrible at blogging lately. We've had a lot going on, and this is actually the first time I've sat down in front of an actual computer in weeks. My family is asleep; Derick is on the couch, Parisann is in her chair, and I'm pretty sure Reeve is conked out, too. So I decided now was a good time to blog. 
I hope you all got the chance to see our pics and video of the world's cutest baby. Yes, I'm partial, but he sure is a little doll. It was such a surprise to see him like that (3D) for the first time. He doesn't really look like what I've pictured, and I've even had a few dreams about his little face, but his cuteness blew me away today. In one of my dreams, he was a nine-month-old black girl, so my visions are pretty askew.
I spent most of the day at the doctor's office, actually. I took that glucose test two weeks ago, and failed, so I had to go back today for the longer one. Thankfully, and against all my gut feelings, I passed it, so no gestational diabetes for this girl. Thank You, Lord! And thank you to all the moms and moms-to-be that helped me relax during my moments of freak out. It wasn't really the diet change that I was worried about. Though pasta (and lately cake) have become my vice, I'm pretty good about eating veggies and relatively healthy, in general. I was more worried about the possibility of Reeve being gigantic and having problems during labor. Derick, on the other hand, was pumped when the doctor called Reeve a "Tank." Though I found out later that the doctor was just joking in his doctorly way, Reeve is measuring ahead of schedule. He weighs a little over 4 lbs right now, and that puts me at a little over 32 weeks. This changed my due date on the ultrasound screen to September 10, although the technician didn't come out and tell me that. So, if he comes early, great! If not, great! He will come on his own time, and we are just going to *try* to be patient for his arrival. 
So, touching on something other than baby news, we are in our new house on base, and I am SO glad! We have more space, and Derick can get to work in about 7 minutes. The commissary and MCX are right around the corner, as are two fancy swimming pools for my pregnant butt to sit in. Paris has adjusted so well. She likes her new place, I think. She definitely loves the deer in our back yard. They leave her little treats (poop), which she doesn't hesitate to roll in. Lovely. 
Other than moving, conquering the glucose test, (which, honestly isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Maybe that's because I had one last year, and my drink was room temp, and it was disgusting, so this one was a relief with a chilled drink), and seeing a crazy-realistic view of R, nothing new is going on. Derick has been at the range all week, which means he has woken up at 3am, which means I have woken up that early. It is becoming more and more difficult to sleep, and I'm not quite sure why. I don't find it too difficult to get comfortable, I'm usually pretty sleepy when we get into bed, and I'm not up *too* many times to go pee. Maybe I'm just really anxious about the changes we are about to face. Good changes, of course.
I told my friends this week that I'm quite confident that babies and life in general are all directly related to God. I mean, of course they are. But looking back on some of the challenges and rewards Derick and I have been a part of, I think the general conception and soon-to-be birth of our son has a lot less to do with nature and earth and every confusing and weird aspect that goes into having a baby, and a lot more to do with just God and His grace and provision. When you think about it, the world itself is actually kinda working against you when you're trying to have a baby. It pretty much takes the perfect moment for all things to fall into place to achieve success. Odds really aren't in our favor, although from the outside in, it may seem otherwise, judging by all the people out there who seem to have a baby every nine months. But going back to that phrase, "...all things to fall into place to achieve success," life itself is a miracle, and Reeve Magnus has already proven that to me before he's even seen the world for the first time.


  1. You guys got a house! Yay! Are you in PP? We are always at the pool so I am sure we will bump into each other one of these days. I am sad I missed you guys on the fourth. Brian told me he ran into you.

    1. Yes girl!:) we are in Paradise Point! Which pool do yall go to? We will def have to get together! Will you be at Chase's tomorrow?
      Yes we ran into Brian, and i saw you from a distance but lost you in the crowd. You look glamorous as ever!!!
