There was a shark attack in the water some hundred miles north of us on the coast. A little girl was out two feet deep and a shark bit her leg. Her quote, "I hate sharks. I like dolphins way better."
Derick is at a live-fire range today. He was pretty pumped about it last night. As he went through his gear in the living room to find the eye-pro and ear-pro he'd been issued, he said, "SWEEEET!!!" I came out of the bedroom to see what was so exciting. "The fleet is waaaayyyyy better than TBS!!" he said. (So, current TBSers, hang in there!) He put on a pair of new, fully in-tact, higher quality sunglasses and almost lost it when, as luck would have it, he came across yet another pair. "TWO??!! Two PAIRS!?"
Paris was making friends with the giant white dog that looks just like her this morning. I went outside to have her come in. She is usually laying down right by the door, patiently waiting to come inside, but this time she was over at the fence sniffing Big Paris, as she calls them. (There are two). They usually bark in her face, but this time, a Big Paris was sniffing back.
My dad was apparently told about an inappropriate photo online. His response? "Woohoo. I bet that was a sight! It's a wonder the whole Internet didn't throw up!" Did I mention, my dad is the funniest person ever?
We are hopefully buying a car this weekend. I would really love a slug bug...but I'd settle for a Jeep. However, this vehicle will be Derick's, so he can get what he wants. Maybe he'll find a really slick slug bug, though.
Did you know the nation's tallest lighthouse is right here in NC? Here's a pic.
Wow! A successful photo post! Isn't that beautiful? A few years ago, my sister was a little obsessed with lighthouses, and I didn't really understand her fascination. I get it now, though. Lighthouses are so cool! This one is the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. It's open for climbing in the summer, so hopefully we can go climb it soon and let you know what it's like! Maybe I'll take after Shannon and begin collecting little lighthouse figurines!
I just went out to the garage to switch the clothes over. (Our laundry is in the garage). I took Paris with me, and she started sniffing around. I turned around to check on her and she had one of those big, yellow mouthpieces in her mouth. It wasn't exactly in all the way, but close enough. I wish I'd taken a picture! She was ready for MCMAP!
It's really hot here. I'm sure it's even hotter in Arkansas with all your humidity, whatever that is. Also, how are the mosquitoes in Arkansas? I haven't heard much complaining about them, so maybe they didn't show this year? I was watering our flowerbed the other night, and I saw one on my leg. I'd almost forgotten what those things were! That's the only one I've seen.
Today is Kenley's birthday. She's my now six-year old niece in Arkansas, and Derick and I call her Bitsy. Bitsy was born almost a week after we got married. We were actually on our honeymoon in StL when she was born, so on our way back, we stopped by to meet her. She was born early and she was the tiniest little baby I'd ever seen. She was so little she fit in our hands. So we named her Bitsy. She's always been a tiny little thing, but that doesn't stop her from having a huge personality. Bitsy is a lot like her Aunt Kem. Everyone tells me that, and I can see it myself. She loves to dance and make up crazy songs and dress eccentric and try new foods and just go go go. I love that she's like me, and I hope she cleans up the little areas in life that I left messy. I am proud of all three of my nieces and my nephew. They are definitely their own people, and I admire that. I hope they can see how much Derick and I love them, and I hope they know that we are very proud to be their aunt and uncle. Happy Birthday, Bitsy! We love you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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