When we arrived in Quantico, I had been so busy in Arkansas to "hang out" that I didn't really think I would need a friend. However, a couple of days of not going to work all day long was enough for me to realize that, yes, I needed someone to hang out with. So, I sent Derick on a mission to find some friends.
He was a real natural, or really lucky. He came in the same day his mission was given, and said, "I found you a friend."
I was so happy! "Who is it? Who is it?" I asked.
"A guy that I went to OCS with is moving in downstairs, and he's married." he told me.
Without hesitating, I grabbed Derick by the arm so that I could go meet my new friend! It was dark and really cold outside, but we went out to meet The Winings, from Maine, who thought the chilly weather was more like a nice spring evening.
I hit it off really well with Michaela. She's a lot different than me-- quiet, polite, helpful, selfless. Not that I can't be those things, but goodness just naturally and automatically flows from Michaela. She is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. So, she gave me a really good vibe about making new friends in Virginia.
I met my friend Beth through The Winings. Beth and Sergio Regland also lived in our apartment complex and invited Nate and Michaela--who, in turn, invited us-- to their New Years party.
Beth doesn't know this, but Derick was worried at first that I wouldn't like her because she's beautiful and she has a northern, well Yankee, voice. I guess I've had some run-ins with really pretty northerners before.
Beth and I clicked really quickly, too. She has tattoos and she's a no-nonsense kinda girl. She's athletic and, also like me, highly intelligent. She also has a little dog, Kona, a pomeranian. (Does anyone remember Muffin? Shout out. RIP.) Paris liked Kona, but she also liked to sort of boss him around. Not nice.
Anyway, Beth, Michaela and I went to a spouse's event together one night. The three of us were standing in a corner in the infamous green carpet area at TBS, waiting for the event to begin, when a pretty blonde walked over and asked if we were there for the event.
The pretty blonde became my friend, Shannon, and we later found out she lived in our complex, too. Shannon is also quite different than I am. She's really organized and put-together. She is a planner, and when I say planner, I don't mean the type of planner I am. I am more of a dreamer, whereas Shannon actually plans things. She likes to have things in their place, but not in a creepy cat lady way. Just a cool way.
That night, the four of us became acquainted with some other really cool girls, and throughout TBS, I was able to meet so may wives from all different areas and backgrounds. It was quite the luxury that I took for granted.
Fast forward to last night walking around the block in our little neighborhood.
"Some girls post on the Camp Lejeune Wives Facebook Page that they need friends and they live in so-and-so neighborhood, but our neighborhood is not ever mentioned," I told Derick hoping he'd suggest that I post my own want-ad for friends on Facebook so that I could say it was his idea, not mine.
"Really?" was all he said.
"Yeah!" I went on. "I know there has to be another Camp Johnson spouse living in this area."
Camp Johnson is the area of Camp Lejeune where Derick will begin his MOS training on Friday. I'm not picky when it comes to simply finding friends, but it was so convenient in VA when my friends were dealing with the same TBS issues on living on the same schedule that I was.
"Maybe," Derick the Doubter said. "But I don't know of any. And it's hard to know right now while I'm not really even attached to any sort of unit."
"Well, here's your mission once you start school: Find us some friends. Preferably a cool guy that you would like to hang out with who has a cool wife. And make sure they live near us."
I'm not picky at all.
Last weekend, one of Derick's best friends from TBS, who is at IOC (Infantry Officer's Course) in Quantico, found out he's heading to Camp Pendleton, California once he's finished with training. I was ticked. Not because Camp Pendleton was our first choice of duty stations, but because, despite what I tell him, he's actually a really cool guy, and I know Derick really clicks with him.
Derick's other best friend, also at IOC, has yet to find out where he's off to afterwards. This friend just so happens to be married to a really cool girl who I really like. So, wouldn't it be Heavenly bliss if they just so happened to get stationed here? I've spotted several really nice houses just down the road or even across the street from us that would be perfect for them! However, they currently own a home in San Diego, and she lives there now. So, it's not fair for me to want them to have the stress of selling or renting out their house and moving across the country just so I can have a friend. But it would be really nice!
I know I will eventually find a friend, and I have several here at Camp Lejeune already. Problem is, the area is huge, so they are dispersed here and there and everywhere, except for in our sub-division. I can't complain, though. I am thankful that I do have friends here, even if it requires a little more travel than walking down a couple flights of stairs.
I'm optimistic about finding friends in our neighborhood, and even if they don't exist, we are blessed with wonderful friends who live 15 minutes, an hour, and a week's drive away. People always say, "It's a small Marine Corps," and I've found that to be true. We already have friends stationed all over the country and around the world. And just last week at the commissary, we ran into a girl who attended the same teeny tiny Arkansas college that we did.
The military life offers the opportunity to meet so many cool people and make lifelong friends. I am excited to meet new people at Camp Lejeune! I will keep you updated on Derick's mission!
Creepy cat lady way, LMAO! I really enjoyed your TBS friend story. Maybe you should write a book