Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Everything looks black and dark
and deep and gray and nothing.
Nothing around here is your color
when your color is a bright one.
The clouds make the sun look like the moon.
But, deep in your heart, you know it will shine again soon.

You can't be sad forever
when your season rolls around.
Spring takes the place of winter;
no more snow on the ground.
So you can only stand
and walk on.

How many tears will it take
to fill the rivers so you can float away
and find the solid ground to stand on
and walk on?

Some were meant to live in gray,
to enjoy the rain.
But you were made for color.
You were made to walk on.
You were made to be free.

Some were meant to be untouched by the light,
unkissed by the sun,
sand in the desert,
stones on the sidewalk.
Some were meant to be colorless;
Some were meant to be a cave:
deep and dark and lonely and hollow,
untouched by the light,
unkissed by the sun.

But you.
You are meant for the sun.
You are destined for the summer.
You are made for the light;
made to walk through the deepest dark cave with a candle.
You are made to touch the gray and fill it with color.
You are chalk for the sidewalk.

So be sad now.

But don't let the pain own you;
Don't let the gray cover up the sun.

Because you can't be sad forever
when you were made to be free.

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