Derick and I were youth leaders at a church in Arkansas for a few years during college. We taught a Sunday School class, a Sunday evening class, and a Wednesday night class. With the younger kids, we usually read some Bible stories, discussed them, then had a craft or activity pertaining to the lesson.
There is one story in particular that I always loved for Derick to share with the kids. If the lesson seemed short or too dull for the kids, I would always beg Derick to tell the kids about this particular event, recorded in 2 Kings. After a couple of years, most of the regular attendees had the story memorized.
Derick randomly reminded me of the story (I say story for lack of a better term, but it's actual a true account) tonight as we were on our way home from our friends' house.
Here's the story in layman's terms:
One day, Elisha was walking along a road, and some boys from the town came up to him and started making fun of him saying, "Hey, you old bald head! Get out of here!" So Elisha looked at the boys, then asked God to punish them. So, God sent two she-bears out of the woods to eat the boys.
That passage is so funny to me, and it's just as funny when read verbatim:
23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. - 2 Kings 2:23-24 NIV;KJV
Ok, so maybe it's not funny. It actually teaches a really good lesson: God isn't pleased when we make fun of people. Elisha couldn't help that he was bald. And too bad for the kids because they were swallowed by some bears.
It was good tonight to remember our time serving at the church. The looks on those kids' faces after hearing that story for the first time were priceless. They would just stare at Derick, waiting for more, then, upon realizing the story was over, the class would erupt!
So there are two birds with one stone. You get funny, plus a serious lesson. Also for a bonus, Biblical history!
I haven't blogged in a little while. I've been a combination of lazy and busy, if that makes sense. Tomorrow, my filthy house will be ransacked by Queen Clean. Also known as Kem. I have been putting off cleaning for too long, and I just can't do it anymore.
Last night, Derick and I went to an NC State football, and it was an experience, to say the least. It was completely different than any stAte game I've ever attended. That college is huge, and the tailgating is even more huge. Walking through Tailgate Central, or whatever the Wolfpack calls it, I felt like I was in a foreign country or a movie scene of college parties. It was crazy for me. We had fun, though, and I was able to meet some of Derick's classmates, who were all really cool!
NC is finally cooling off. It's been in the sixties for the past few days, so I've been cold. It is nice to leave the AC turned off, but I just know that blistery cold is right around the corner, and that I do not anticipate. I'm not a cold-weather girl. I'd much rather melt than freeze. Maybe it won't get too cold here. I never can imaging it snowing at the beach. I know it happens, but it just seems weird.
Paris nearly ran out of food today. It was a close call. I always mix hard food with soft, Lil Caesars for her. My mom spoiled her that way, so she expects it now. (My mom even microwaves it for her, but she will usually eat it at room temp). Anyway, we were running low on her hard food, but there was another big bag behind the bag we were using, so I just assumed she had another bag full of food. Little did I know, the bag in the back was full of crumbs, which just happens to be a Derick thing to do: leave a huge bag of crumbs in the cabinet.
I tried to go grocery shopping this weekend, but the Case Lot Sale was going on at the commissary, and if you haven't experienced one of those, imagine Saturday at the NEA District Fair meets Yellowjacket Sr. High boys basketball makes it to state playoffs. It is a mad house! The check-out line wrapped around the entire store. People had multiple buggies, filled to the brims. My friends and I went on Friday to grab a few good deals, and luckily, we were able to hop in the speedy check-out lane because we had 20 items or less. I should have been smart and just grabbed a bag of dog food then, but I wasn't thinking. The crazy crowd made me go a little nutty.
So when we left this morning for church, I had to give Paris soft food only, plus a peanut butter cracker as a peace offering. She was happy when I brought home some crunchy food, but I think she would have been happier had I just kept feeding her the peanut butter crackers.
That's about it for news around here. I've been hitting the gym with my friends every morning. Then we usually stop in for coffee at Dunkin Donuts. I like the iced coffee, and I try to get decaf if they have it, or else I will keep Derick up all night, jabbering away.
My parents are visiting later this week, and we are so excited to see them! Especially Parisann!
Well, that's all I have to say. I better jump in bed before Derick falls asleep, or I will have to wake him up so we can straighten the sheets. Crinkled sheets are about as horrible to me as cold weather. But that's another blog!
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