Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my many celebrity crushes. I also have several sub-categories of celeb crushes, though. Like the "Clean Cut" genre, in which Jake is included, unless his hair is longer and slightly shaggy, at which point he falls into the "Doesn't Give a D" category. There's also the "Surfer" genre, the "Foreign" genre, the "Afro-Americana" genre (which, duh, is headlined by Tupac Shakur. RIP), and my favorite genre "The Geeks."
I love the geeks. Who doesn't? You know what I'm talking about, those way too skinny, squeaky-voiced hipsters that disguise their hipsterness by only landing roles of the nerdy, ugly, loser kid that the hot girl doesn't want to date at first, but then he does something really cool or heroic, so he gets the hot girl along with all her hot friends, but he wises up and realizes that his heart only beats for the equally nerdy misfit girl who, in real life, is just as hot as the aforementioned hot girls, but in the films is strictly the geeky girl with true talent and intellect. How's that for run-on?
To fit into the geek genre, one doesn't actually have to star in that sort of film. There are several types of cute geeks, as I will prove with yet another list.
"THE GEEKS." *Edit* I formerly posted some really nice pics for you to see. However, my gut told me to check on the legality of such. Therefore, as Google could give me no clear answer and because I'm not sure if I could potentially be sued, I just gave y'all some links to view the goods.
1. Jesse Eisenberg
2. Michael Cera (often interchangeable with slot #1)
3. Ben Kweller (just so happens that I own this pic, so copyright infringement laws can kiss it!
4. Isaac Hanson (has anyone else noticed that, though once the "ugly brother" in the band, Ike has turned into quite a dreamboat?! Compare him to the grown up version of my childhood crush, Zac (second link). Isaac wins, hands down!)
Zac's ragamuffin look does, however, award him with number 7 slot on my "Doesn't Give a D" list.
5. Senator from Florida and fellow Republican Marco Rubio. Laugh all you want, but he is cute. Plus, I'm living proof that if you are a Republican and you were born after 1960, you are definitely a geek.
Derick thinks that I only find these types of celebs, along with all celebs for that matter, handsome because they are in the limelight. His theory is that everyone ooos and ahhhs over "good-looking" famous people just because they are famous. It's not the fame that we find intriguing exactly; not everyone is that shallow. He just thinks that they are considered attractive because they are famous.
He's said to me on many occasions, "Ok. Picture so-and-so [Jesse Eisenberg] walking down the street, just a normal guy, nothing special. Would you still think he was so cute?" YES!!!
He thinks my answer, deep down, is no. I guess he thinks their unavailability makes them highly sought after. Maybe he's right. Jesse Eisenberg is still freakin' cute!
All this ramble and thought about famous people and co-starring with Jake made me think about taking actual acting classes. I mean, what do I do besides sit on my butt all day anyway? I think the local community college offers some classes, and surely there is an acting theatre around here, right? I did some acting in my early years. I actually had my own show, "Kem Walker's I Love My Nails Show." It was a true hit around my town.
I just know I have to figure out how I'm going to spend my time. I know you all hear enough about how I have to do something to get out of the house, be productive, etc. Well, it's true! I keep telling Derick that we need to discuss how I'm going to put to use the educational assistance available through the military. I mean, it's free money, it needs to be used. Maybe this is a good time for me to just take a whole bunch of classes that I've always wanted to take but never had the chance. Ballet, ballroom, pottery, welding, plumbing. :) I'm sure there are tons of cool classes out there!
I promise my next few blogs won't be banter of what I should do with my life, and I will end this one with a some music from some of my fave geeks as well as a pic of my number one all time biggest celeb crush! :)
And finally, a pic of my BIGGEST celebrity crush!!

He is the SUPERSTAR of my heart! (Awwww....) And this photo depicts his feelings toward the gas chamber at TBS! Love you, hubs!
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